...All that and a whole lot more is in the fifth installment of the Roland Longville series, Lady Midnight. Mr. Leonard Cohen's management was kind enough to answer my humble entreaties (they said yes) to use lyrics of his song, also entitled Lady Midnight, in the text. The blurb runneth thusly:
In this lurid tale, Roland is hired by a senator who aspires to higher office. He wants Roland to bring his wild child daughter home before her antics disgrace him and cost him his political reputation. Roland tracks the girl and her musician boyfriend to Atlanta where he discovers they have become involved in the shady East Coast indy Porn business. Roland meets some old enemies and some new ones, and tries to untie a Gordian knot of lies and double-dealing, as everyone he meets seems hell-bent on stopping him...even if they have to kill him to do it.
Hah. I hope it's a s good as all that. I think so. One last re-write and it's off to the publisher! After that, I'll be concentrating on a couple of stand-alone books that do not feature good old Roland (although number six is definitely on the way next year) ...I am trying to reach a big publisher with these new books. If any of you read this....
And, as always, check out my official website at:
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