Thirty years in education was great preparation for authoring, because no one multi-tasks like a teacher (except maybe the school secretary). These days it's marketing stuff, speaking engagements, editing, and when there's time, writing. The cool part is, just as when I was a teacher, I love it all. Yes, it gets overwhelming at times when the printer is running (ever so slowly) and the phone is ringing and there's email to be answered but my latest protag is ready to tell her story NOW. And that's to say nothing of normal stuff like balancing the checkbook, keeping track of the garden, and setting up the schedule for the music at church.

They say it keeps you young, and oddly enough, research bears out what "they" believe. Keeping your mind active is essential, so I'm benefiting from all this mentally. Which is good, 'cause the whole benefiting financially thing seems to be a long way off so far.

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