(Cross Posted to Writing, etc.)

I am a promoter in training. One of these days I’m going to have a book of my own to promote. Until them, I’m practicing. In my darker moments, I think of these events as missed opportunities, as in “DAMN! If only I had a book out to sell!” But then my rational side reappears and I realize that the opportunities will continue to crop up. For now, I’m honing my skills.

One of these opportunities occurs this Saturday, June 21 in the form of the first annual Bridgewater Bookfest. My fellow Pennwriter, Val Brkich, is organizing the event and invited me. Since I still don’t have anything of my own to promote, I accepted on behalf of Pennwriters and will be manning a booth, plugging both Pennwriters and the 2009 Conference. Plus I’ll have my own business cards and a few for Working Stiffs.

Today, I am trying to prepare. I’m printing out flyers and brochures. I’ve packed a box full of Pennwriters coffee mugs. Five bucks each. What doesn’t sell, I have to store until next May for the conference. PLEASE drop by and buy a mug. My office is shrinking around me with all these boxes of stuff shoved in every nook and cranny.

So if you’re in the area and want to spend a day surrounded by authors and books, come on out. Drop by and say hello. I’ll be the one in the Pennwriters booth, dreaming about the day I get bumped up to Authors Alley.

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