I like to feature interesting web sites in this space, even when the site is my own. I always feature the feedback and reviews I receive on my web site, and today I’d like to introduce Eugene Booker.
I met Eugene during my most recent book signing at Washington Dulles International Airport. That was on July 25th, and he e-mailed comments to me just four days later. In his e-mail he described himself as “the Black/Filipino guy with glasses” but what I remember most was how enthusiastic he was and excited to meet an author in person.
When he did write to me he thanked me for singing his copy of The Troubleshooter and said he enjoyed it a great deal. He had a lot to say about the responsibility of Black men as role models and saw, as few seem to, how important that theme is in my novels.
Thank you, Eugene, for taking the time to tell me that you understood what I was trying to say. I’ve made your words the featured review on my web site this week.
Read Eugene Booker’s review on
my web site
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