Alexander, Bruce - Murder in Grub Street - VG
James Fielding/Jeramy Procter-mental illness, religious fanatics
Bowen, Rhys - Murphy's Law - G
Immigrant to Boston, Molly Murphy, probably won't read more.
Camilleri, Andrea - Shape of Water, The - G+
Very Italian - enjoyed it
Dymmoch, Michael Allen - Incendiary Dreams - G+
Well developed characters, somewhat unbelivable motive
Fforde, Jasper - Eyre Affair, The - Ex
2003 Top Ten - Absolutely wonderful!!
Lovett, Sarah - Dantes' Inferno - G+
Interesting intellectual construct, characters interesting
Slater, Susan - Flash Flood - G+
VG until a weak, quick, tie-it-all-up ending, too many characters
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