Well, it's great to wake up on a Sunday Morning in good old T.O. with the snow on all of the rooftops and something that looks like freezing rain drizzling against our window. Apparently it snowed all night, and cars stuck in banks are lining the streets. But hey, we don't have to go to work today, so who cares? Other than kids' homework and Christmas tree decorating, no real obligations for the day, just a blank page spreading out in front of me.

Guess I'll begin with a little clarinet practice -- I started taking lessons a year ago, finally fulfilling a childhood wish to learn to read music and play an instrument. What motivated me once and for all was that my latest protagonist plays the clarinet, and that was something that I could not fake. Here's a little sample of my new sound, just broke down and bought a grenadilla Buffet instrument a week ago: http://blogdc.donnacarrick.com/ simply follow this link to my website and click on the musical link.

Then back to the editing of my latest novel. In between Chinese homework for the youngsters and tree decorating, I have one story line that needs re-writing to bring it to a proper conclusion. Once that's done, I'll be ready to send it out, so wish me luck!!

Donna Carrick , author of Gold And Fishes and The Noon God, available on Amazon.com


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