My husband went to Canada this week, fishing. I believe Canadian fish are somehow more sporting fellows that United States fish. I'm not sure how they outclass our species. I suppose one has to meet the Canadian fish to spot the differences.
Anyway, with a whole, uninterrupted week, I imagined myself finishing off at least writing four projects. Of course I had lunch with two different friends, but lunch doesn't take that long. There are hours and hours both before and after that meal in which I could get Things done.
Somehow, two days have escaped without any serious attempt at writing. There were the lunches, of course, and then the Tigers played well enough to keep me interested, and I bought a new Laura Lippman novel that I just had to read a bit of to assure myself that she hasn't gone sour (she hasn't).
There was baking for a church supper and an agenda to prepare for a meeting and things to order online, but none of these things takes all that long. Why then, have I added nothing to the novel that that lovely agent so kindly asked to see?
It's a character flaw, I'm sure of it. Given time, I waste time. Given a deadline, I put my shoulder to the wheel and my nose to the grindstone (or is that the other way around?). I get things done. But give me a whole week, and I putz in the garden and sort through my sweater drawer.
So once this blogging thing is done, I WILL be at work. Stay tuned!
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