An Experiment, for us it is Number One, starring Nigel Bird

Are there any absolutes right now in this wide open frontier known as digital publishing? I think not. What I do know is that there is plenty of what I do not know, and that is: what is the best price point for a piece of work? How much should it be sold for? Why do readers buy one story but not another?

When I have totally understood that and write the book on it, I will tell you. As it stands now we at Trestle Press put our stories up with very easy to understand price tags: $.99 for a digital short story, $2.99 for a novella, and $4.99 for a full length work. All standard stuff.

Now the wrinkle.

Nigel Bird wants to go rogue with his novella,”Smoke”. It clocks in at about 25,000 words, and it is a high quality read. The man can write, no two ways about it. I am not being biased, just speaking the truth.

He has gotten Trestle Press to agree to a ten day experiment, from today until November 12th. On the twelfth we will see where it has gone and what has happened. Will his sales jump enough to warrant leaving it at that price? You the readers will decide. Basically you will be getting a seriously intense read at one amazing price.

The key here is can he out sell his novella sales? He will have to sell 6 at $.99 for every one novella sale. Pretty steep climb!

What are your thoughts on this? I would like to know. Either comment here where you see the post on whatever social network you are reading this, or just email me directly-

I would enjoy hearing your thoughts on this as a reader and consumer. Thanks.

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