COLLEGE CRIIME: A Statistical Study of Offenses on American Campuses is an enlightening book on criminality at institutions of higher education by R. Barri Flowers, an award winning criminologist and internationally bestselling author of such titles as THE DYNAMICS OF MURDER, THE SEX SLAVE MURDERS, and PROSTITUTION IN THE DIGITAL AGE, and KIDS WHO COMMIT ADULT CRIMES.
"Addresses an increased public and law enforcement attention toward the contemporary enigma of violent crimes that blemish campus life." -- Thomas E. Baker, Professor of Criminal Justice
"Informative book focusing on alcohol and drug use, murder, sexual assault, dating violence, stalking, and hate crime on college campuses. Recommended. All levels/Libraries.” – D. Harper, University of Rochester
“Crime committed on college and university campuses has tended to be underreported and under attended to by the general populace.... This book examines these trends, and takes a careful look how seemingly innocent crime, like underage drinking, is directly connected to more serious offenses” – Book reviewer and educator
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