The Gunfighter Chronicles Volume One-DRYFIRE will be free from 12pm. PST on February 21, 2012 (Fat Tuesday)to midnight PST on February 22, 2012 (Ash Wednesday). The two day giveaway is to allow readers to familiarize themselves with my work and I encourage those taking advantage of the Free Enterprise System to write a review.
Except from Cover:
Gianni Temprono grows up wanting to become a professional gunfighter after watching the movie The Fastest Gun Alive. When old enough, he's sworn in as a federal agent and hired to gunfight for the government. Dryfire, Vol.1 begins his tale of firearms training at the US Treasury Department in DC, and his first assignment in the mountains of West Virginia, where he chases moonshiners and bombers, encountering hardened gunfighters on both sides of the law.
Dryfire is a true story, based on actual events and gunfighters.
The first volume in the 12 volume series The Gunfighter Chronicles and is approximately 52 pages in length.
Those that are Amazon Prime members may borrow this book free of charge regardless of the time period and is now available on Amazon until April. A kindle is required.
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