Friday links (a.k.a. time-wastery) come early, since I’m actually hoping to get some writing done tomorrow. So here you go:

It’s a book! It’s a movie! It’s a website! No, it’s a digi-novel. When the TV writers strike was going on (last year, was it?), apparently CSI creator Anthony Zuiker (along with Duane Zwierczynski) came up with this hybrid entertainment. It’s not written for teens, but seems to fit the demographic anyway. The novel, Level 26, is out this week. I bought myself a copy, so I’ll let you know what I think.

I thought this article in The Wall Street Journal about Facebook as a parenting tool was funny. It was so much easier to be a teen back in my day. And don’t these helicoptering parents know better than to comment on their kid’s Facebook page?

Nathan Bransford asks if books for kids should be rated for content (like movies and TV), which I thought was a very interesting discussion. My initial answer is yes, but I’ll have to think about that one for a while to be sure. Plus, the comments are interesting to follow. Wish we could get some teen feedback on that one.

Newsweek has an article about the effects of 9/11 on millenials, or the now grown kids of that hellish day (first I heard that term, but okay). Interesting, though I think the conclusion that today’s focus on service in a result of 9/11 alone is a bit easy. I would argue the current economic and political climate is a more logical (and current) infuence. But read for yourself.

For you unpublished writers out there, Pikes Peak Writers is opening up submissions for their 2010 Fiction contest. And check out this story about a 17 year-old’s 10-book deal. You go, M’Lin!

For you teens: vote for your 2009 top 10 reads at YALSA. But be speedy, because voting ends September 18.

And to the people who keep sending me spam, saying they’ll buy my timeshares: I don’t have any. Really. Not even if you email me every day.

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