I spoke with a professional blogger last summer. I didn't even know there were such folks, but anyway, I got some advice that I'm finally going to put into practice. She told me that blogging about writing, while nice for me and possibly helpful or interesting for other writers, is not the way to grow a readership.
One part of me says, "But I like exchanging ideas with writers." And the other part says, "But you've done that for several years now. Shut up."
So, while I may return to Crimespace from time to time and indulge myself, I'm going to concentrate on other sites for a while, sites where readers go to look for new writers.
Still, I refuse to take her second bit of advice, which was to blog about my cats. It seems that subject interests half the reading population, and you guessed it, the other half likes reading about an author's dog. I'd have to get a dog, because there's no way my cats would stand for all that media attention.
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