It's Independent Booksellers Week and National Crime Fiction Week in the UK

Does that mean you should dash out and buy a crime novel from an independent bookshop? Why not if you enjoy reading a good crime novel, you might help to save this rare breed from extinction (independent booksellers that is, not crime writers). And that is what these dedicated days and weeks are for really - a marketing ploy to help stimulate business and raise awareness.

And it seems there are a growing number of them: World Smile Day (I'm all for that, but why need a special day - smiling is great for relieving stress, we should all try it any time). Then there's Farmhouse Breakfast Week, (I'm not kidding), National Chip Day (that should go down well in the UK) and Love Your Tax Officer Day. I made that last one up. I'm all in favour of these special days and weeks, after all it gives me something to write about. But there is a good reason behind many of them and that is to help raise money for good causes. OK, so crime fiction writers are not exactly a good cause or an endangered species but then I'm not sure chips are either.

Happy Independent Booksellers Week and National Crime Fiction Week.

For more about Pauline Rowson, her crime novels and business books visit

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