I can't do it. I envy those who can.
I will admit that as a playwright, I wrote some things that were funny. But in my novels, nobody's going to laugh out loud.
I note this because I started reading a friend's MS last night and I did...laugh out loud. She has the knack of being funny without being silly, and entertaining without stooping to farce, which irritates me. I was never a fan of the Lucille Ball-type heroine, so overdrawn and asinine that I wanted to slap her. My friend's small-town heroine is sharp-minded and sarcastic, but on the inside, where she keeps up a running commentary on the ironies of American life. Unlikely to buck the system, she recognizes its weaknesses, and the reader gets the benefit of her sardonic observations in just a few words: that feeling of "here we go again" as we deal with personalities and situations we meet today and will see again tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.
I think it's hard to balance murder and comedy, so when I find an author who does it well, I am particularly thrilled. In one of life's odd moments, I met this author at a booksigning of another author (Deb Baker) whose comical Yooper mysteries made me laugh. Deb introduced me to Janet Koch, and we started swapping MSs for editing purposes. The one I'm reading now is due for publication in September, 2010. I'll be sure to remind everyone when that date is closer, because if you like humor in your mysteries, it's a keeper.
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