Kate the Book Buff's Comments

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At 8:07am on July 16, 2011, Laura Holmes said…
Kate-  I'm looking for some writing prompts. Any suggestion in the crime genre?
At 4:26pm on May 16, 2011, Ronald S. Barak said…
Hmm, I can see that one of the first things I should do is figure out how to upload my mug shot:-)
At 4:24pm on May 16, 2011, Ronald S. Barak said…
Thanks, Kate. Looking forward to visiting your blog site, and finding my way about.
At 7:33am on May 16, 2011, Donna White Glaser said…

Thanks, Kate. There is a lot to explore here, certainly. Thanks for the warm welcome!



At 4:19am on May 14, 2011, Jennifer Thomson said…

Hi Kate, Thanks for your lovely friendly welcome. I'm now following your blog.

At 10:44am on April 12, 2011, Carol Fenlon said…

Thank you for your welcome note, I was pleased to get it. Haven't had time to look  round the site properly yet, just in the process of setting up a new business. I am off to the london book fair tomorrow so hope to have a look at your blog and the rest of the site later this week.



At 1:04am on April 7, 2011, jhbogran said…

Hi Kate,

Thank you for leaving a comment. 

Great blog. I like that you put the movie-rate equivalents. I am a huge movie fan too. In fact, for three years I wrote movie reviews for a local newspaper in Honduras. 

I'm tempted to send you my recent title, Treasure Hunt, for review, but I need to check with my publisher first. I understand they're taking care of that. 

Anyway, thanks for leaving a comments. See you around.

At 9:48pm on March 23, 2011, Rick Broussard said…
Thanks, Kate. Nice blog you have there.
At 8:41am on March 15, 2011, Luanne Ollivier said…
Thanks for the warm welcome Kate. I'll be by to check out your blog. You can find mine - A Bookworm's World at   http://luanne-abookwormsworld.blogspot.com/
At 10:32am on March 6, 2011, Adam Smith said…

Hi Kate: If you send your RSS feed, we can feature you under our crime-fiction writers category. crimeinamerica.net@gmail.com.

Best, Adam.

At 5:04am on February 24, 2011, Robert Fabian said…
I join all the others in thanking you for your kind welcome and look forward to exploring Crimespace and your blog.
At 1:47pm on February 23, 2011, James L. Conway said…
Thanks very much.  I look forward to reading you blog and exploring Crimespace.
At 3:01pm on February 17, 2011, Bert Carson said…
Kate - thanks for the welcome.  Looking forward to visiting your blog - Bert
At 1:16am on February 4, 2011, Alec Cizak said…
Thanks for the welcome.  I'll make sure to check your blog out.
At 2:50pm on February 3, 2011, Lamar Lunsford said…
Thanks  for the comment.  I will check out your blog soon.
At 4:55am on February 3, 2011, John Edward Mullen said…

Thanks for greeting a newbie.  I appreciate your friendly welcome.



At 4:42am on February 3, 2011, Percy Blok said…



Thanks for the welcome.



At 2:18am on January 8, 2011, Theresa Varela said…

Hi Kate,

Thanks for the welcome. This is new to me and yes, intimidating! But I will forge ahead. There is so much great information and connection! That's the best. Being a writer is all too often just about me, my fingers and the keys!

At 1:50am on January 4, 2011, Cheryl "Mash" Masciarelli said…
Thank you Kate!  Glad I found this.
At 9:11pm on January 1, 2011, Carol Bridgestock said…

Hi Kate,

Thank for the info and your warm introduction. I will check out the book buff blogspot!


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