Eric Beetner's Comments

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At 3:55pm on June 17, 2010, Copper Smith said…
Provocative stuff, my friend. Write on!
At 1:28pm on October 23, 2009, JackBludis said…
Thanks for the kind words about "The Big Switch." I hope you like "The Deal Killer" as well.
At 5:31am on August 14, 2009, Jeff Markowitz said…
Thanks for the friend request. I need to spend more time on crimespace.
At 1:03am on June 11, 2009, Steve Weddle said…
Enjoyed your TWO LEFT at Nice work, sir.
At 4:08am on May 24, 2009, J. F. Juzwik said…
Eric, Get Gone on Noir is a terrific story. Love the character! Joyce
At 12:44am on April 9, 2009, J. F. Juzwik said…
Thanks, Eric, for your comments on my story. Should you be worried? How do you think I feel--that character came out of my mind! Joyce
At 2:11am on April 3, 2009, J. F. Juzwik said…
Eric, Thanks for letting us know about your story on Thuglit. I"ll head over there and check it out. Been busy working on several pieces and have been neglecting my reading. Not a good thing. Going to read your story NOW!
At 10:37am on March 18, 2009, Cormac Brown said…
Thanks, I really enjoyed your story "Partners." It's rare that any genre delves into the logistics and friction between personalities in life. Unfortunately I have to decline your generous offer, as I am not much essayist and believe me when I say that there is nothing more in life that I would want to write about, than noir.

That must be a serious thrill to work with Eddie, nobody that I know this side of Foster Hirsch and Woody Haut have done more to preserve noir and keep it in the public conscious.
At 10:40am on March 17, 2009, Cormac Brown said…
Thanks for the invite and it is wonderful to see someone else that is a fan of Eddie Muller!
At 12:57am on March 13, 2009, J. F. Juzwik said…
Couldn't 'scoff' at that story. Let me tell you something. I thought about who wrote it before I read it and after, so I could leave a comment. But, never once while I was reading it, did the gender of the writer cross my mind. You know, that's how it should be, and that's how it was with your story, which is why I'm happy to say again that it was very well done! Joyce
At 9:20am on March 9, 2009, Dawn M. Kravagna said…
Thanks for adding me to your friends list. I hope you reach your goal this year of getting your novels published. Dawn
At 4:10pm on February 11, 2009, J. F. Juzwik said…
Hi, Eric, Loved The Last Bullet, Like Father, Like Son, and Details. Wow. These are great. Look forward to reading more of your work. Joyce
At 1:22am on February 10, 2009, J. F. Juzwik said…
Thanks for the invitation. Joyce
At 10:47am on February 9, 2009, Shannon Clute said…
Thanks for the invite Eric, and nice to meet a guy who is so involved with the Film Noir Foundation. Any project Eddie has a hand in is one worth working on. Best of luck with the ongoing quest to get a novel into the world (and as a new dad myself, I have to say that is one cute kid you've got there).
At 3:14am on February 7, 2009, Dana King said…
Thanks for the haeds up about your story and Crooked. Good site, with good stories, yours included.
At 6:55am on February 6, 2009, J.D. Smith said…
I got to meet Eddie Muller at Bouchercon this year, and any co-Noirist of his is alright by me.


J.D. Smith
At 4:28pm on February 3, 2009, Tom Cooke said…
Thanks for adding me. I too am currently playing the shopping the novel game. It's as much fun as beating your thumb with a hammer.
That is a cute kiddo you've got there. (in the picture)
At 8:46am on February 1, 2009, Sue Dawson said…
Good for you--a published writer.

Rather than a writer, I am more of a reader and a collector. At 73, I need to get crackin' if I want to publish anything. I have had an interesting life, though, with a few more years to come. I am headed to BC in June on a RR trip. I've been to Japan, Europe, and Norway. Hope to go to Greece before I slide all the way down that slippery slope. You know the hill I mean, the one with one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. : -)
At 7:36am on January 31, 2009, Tony Black said…
Eric- thanks for the invite! Good to meet any friend of the luvly Donna Moore...I must go add her to my list of fav authors.
At 7:53pm on January 4, 2009, Donna Moore said…
Hi Eric - thanks for the add request! I Nice to meet you. Nice list of favourites - I've never heard of J B Kohl but given the rest of your list I will have to give him/her a try. I love the Noir City and Film Noir Foundation stuff. Eddie and Kathleen are two of my very favourite people.

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