Hi Alexandra-Wondered if you'd be willing to write about a favorite "forgotten" book for my blog project in August. You can find the last three months worth at http://pattinase.blogspot.com
If it's not your thing, I understand. Thanks, Patti
And thanks, J.K. - I'm thrilled you liked THE HARROWING (and the Killerettes - we have fun.) Sorry I didn't get to talk to you at TF - I never get to see anyone at that con because of all the rehearsing we do. I love it - but I miss out, too...
I didn't get a chance to speak to you at ThrillerFest, but I thought THE HARROWING was great. I'm looking forward to the next one. (The Killerettes did a great job, by the way. I can't wait until next year.)
Hi Alex. Thanks for inviting me to be a friend. I look forward to getting to know people here better. I've just got to get this manuscript out. Rewites suck sometimes.
I wonder if your ears are burning cos' I just picked up The Harrowing this weekend and queued it up for my 10-day hiatus from work. Looking forward to it.
Alexandra Sokoloff's Comments
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Read The Harrowing and loved it!!! Can't wait to read another book by you.
Thanks for befriending this fellow mystery/suspense author!
If it's not your thing, I understand. Thanks, Patti
And thanks, J.K. - I'm thrilled you liked THE HARROWING (and the Killerettes - we have fun.) Sorry I didn't get to talk to you at TF - I never get to see anyone at that con because of all the rehearsing we do. I love it - but I miss out, too...
I didn't get a chance to speak to you at ThrillerFest, but I thought THE HARROWING was great. I'm looking forward to the next one. (The Killerettes did a great job, by the way. I can't wait until next year.)
J. K.
It was nice to meet you at Malice! I had a blast there, but it's good to be home. Just wanted to say hi!
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