Todd Robinson's Comments

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At 7:11am on June 1, 2010, Erik Lundy said…
Just picked up Blood, Guts and Whiskey. Can't wait to get home and read it.
At 7:43am on December 20, 2008, jedidiah ayres said…
Hard Bounce. Ouch. Good stuff, my man.
At 5:10am on October 18, 2008, D.R. MacMaster said…
Thanks for answering the adds, and not answering it with brass knuckles. ;)
At 3:32am on January 13, 2008, Liz Mugavero said…
Todd, how did you end up doing on the contest? I haven't been following.
At 12:22pm on January 8, 2008, Rose Mercer said…
Hiya, sorry for taking so long to reply but I've been on holidays. Happy New Year and happy writing.
At 8:25am on December 28, 2007, Robert Freemyer said…
Read chapter two. Gonna be a good book: excellent voice and great metaphors. Good luck. Oh yeah,, for some reason or other, wouldn't recognize my crimespace sign in so I'll read the book when you go to market.
At 7:48am on December 28, 2007, Robert Freemyer said…
Thanks for the invite. Now I'll go read your chapters. Happy New Year.
At 5:54am on December 24, 2007, John Morgan Wilson said…
Hey, Todd, thanks for checking in. Cheers for the holidays. JMW
At 5:36am on December 24, 2007, D K Gaston said…
Thanks for the invite, Todd. Happy Holidays.
At 1:55am on December 24, 2007, Michelle Gagnon said…
"The city's got a class line as sharp as a glass scalpel and wider than Paris Hilton’s legs. "
Hell of a line, love it. Good luck, it's a great chapter, can't wait to read the rest.
At 11:58pm on December 23, 2007, Russ Heitz said…
Hi Todd, thanks for the in-vite. And happy holidays! Russ
At 11:51pm on December 23, 2007, Liz Mugavero said…
Todd, congrats on making the semi-finals! I will head on over there today and vote!
Good luck,
At 11:29pm on December 23, 2007, Donna Carrick said…
Hey Todd, great work! I gave it 10 thumbs up!
Congratulations on your hard work. Best of luck.
Donna Carrick
At 12:20am on December 20, 2007, Martyn Waites said…
Hey Todd, thanks for the invite. Thug Lit - count me in!
At 11:27pm on December 19, 2007, Carla Harker said…
Thanks for the invite. I first heard of your magazine on Charlie Huston's website.
At 10:51pm on December 19, 2007, Jon McGoran as D. H. Dublin said…
Hey Todd,
Thanks for the invite. Nice to meet up in another network. Good to see you're keeping busy with it. I have a hard time keeping up.
At 6:32pm on December 19, 2007, James Oswald said…
Thanks for the invitation, Todd. Does this make me a thug? I always thought I was better behaved than that.
At 1:58am on December 17, 2007, Elysabeth Eldering said…
Thanks for the invite - nice site. Cool friends - E :)
At 12:31am on December 16, 2007, J. D. Webb said…
Thanks for the invite, Todd. One of your thugs tried me and failed. Sorry for the carcass cleanup. Heh, heh, no I'm not.
I live to fight another day.
Great site. I almost worked up a sweat.
At 1:49pm on December 15, 2007, Pepper Smith said…
Thanks for the invitation, Todd!

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