Donna Moore's Comments

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At 2:07am on July 27, 2010, Mosi Tyrone Wells said…
Very nice shots of the Bear and ice
At 10:19am on July 12, 2010, Copper Smith said…
Check out 'Inseparable' at A Twist of Noir!
At 11:34am on September 19, 2009, Naomi Hirahara said…
Donna! Just read the news about OLD DOGS on Sarah's web site! Congrats, congrats, congrats.
At 12:36pm on July 19, 2009, JackBludis said…
Just a hello ... hope to see you in Indianapolis.
At 3:07am on April 28, 2009, Robin Jarossi said…
Still waiting for Paying for It to arrive, but I'm looking forward to it. I'm sure TB will get a lot of attention this year. He's under the radar in London right now.
At 2:31am on February 16, 2009, Mike Brown said…
I was in Edinborough last year Rebus country but we spent most of our time in England.Next time I want to see more of Scotland and Glasgow will certainly be a destination.
At 4:49pm on February 15, 2009, Mike Brown said…
Donna , just wondering if you ever read Louise Welsh. She writes of Glasgow and I'd like to know if she has it right.If you like dark,warped and funny you might like her books.
At 6:45am on July 13, 2008, Patricia Abbott said…
Hi Donna-Did we ever settle on a day for your book review? Keeping track of these things is making me feel scattered. If it's become a problem for you timewise, we can postpone indefinitely. Thanks, Patti
At 1:30am on July 3, 2008, Michael P. Naughton said…
Hi Donna,

It's a combination of Evelyn Waugh, Elmore Leonard and Carl Hiaasen. Would love to get your opinion on it?
At 12:42am on June 29, 2008, Patricia Abbott said…
How about either the 11th or the 25th then. I can post it on my blog. I usually post a few each week on there. Just pick a good week for you and send it to me Wednesday or Thursday so I can get them formatted. Thanks so much.
At 12:49pm on June 27, 2008, Patricia Abbott said…
Hi Donna-I wonder if you'd be willing to do a "forgotten book" for my blog project on July 18th? To see what I'm talking about, check out
Thanks. Patti
At 12:58am on March 19, 2008, Mark Ellis said…
Hi, Donna

Yeah, I had the privilege of speaking briefly with Mr. Prather shortly before he passed away.
At 2:50pm on March 13, 2008, Simon Wood said…
Lovely to see you, as always.
At 5:15pm on February 29, 2008, Karyn J. Powers said…
Dreech...I love it and it has just become my favorite new word! Too bad I didn't know it before I took a Taser hit in my citizen police academy class tonight. Maybe I could have gotten it our between my clenched teeth. Instead, I chose to say, "Stop it." Not much unless you consider that most people can't speak when 50,000 volts of electricity are shooting through their systems. That will clear up any "dreech" in a hurry!!
At 6:56am on February 29, 2008, Chris Ewan said…
It's a riot!
At 6:46am on February 29, 2008, Chris Ewan said…
Hi Donna. Love the title of your novel.

I see you work in the pensions field. Me too, on the legal side of things. Maybe we should have a game of paper, scissors, stone to see who gets to write the first crime novel set around the exhilirating theme of contracting out?

Best wishes
At 2:29pm on February 24, 2008, Karyn J. Powers said…
Hi, Donna, how is your ankle holding up? I just got back from seeing Craig Ferguson do his stand up routine at one of our not too lovely Indian casinos an hour east of my town.

I laughed and laughed and really needed to. It has been a blasted long and difficult winter. Unfortunately, Mr F. has been so long in America that his banter was all about Los Angelos and Hollywood and just a bit about Sean Connery. Nothing about the homeland except to say that "damp" is a color in Glasgow. Still it was worth the drive and the smokey, taudry -building filled with aging zombies (yours truly,not included) to laugh long and hard. Hurry Spring!
At 6:44am on February 24, 2008, L.J. Sellers said…
Love your photos, shoes, and humor!
At 10:44pm on February 10, 2008, Vincent Holland-Keen said…
I think maybe Colonel Decker finally caught up with her and took her back to the military stockade where she used to hang out with Hannibal, Mr T and the rest of the A-Team.

Or maybe I'm getting my eighties' nostalgia mixed up and she's actually off with Steve Guttenberg and calling herself Johnny 5.
At 4:52pm on January 29, 2008, Dave Bara said…
Donna Donna Donna, where have you been? Please come out and post again!


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