Chester D. Campbell's Comments

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At 3:56am on October 10, 2011, deb simpson said…
Sounds Great!!! I am also going to add this to my blog!!!
At 10:25am on October 9, 2011, deb simpson said…

Hi Chester, 

Sorry it took me a while to answer--Ive been unable to access the site!! but all is good now! How is your new book selling?  

At 2:34pm on September 23, 2009, Reece Hirsch said…
Hi Chester -- Thanks for accepting the invite. I'm another person whose career has taken a few turns (including journalism). Keeps things interesting. Reece
At 3:14am on August 30, 2009, Barbara DaCosta said…
All the discussions on the listserves reminded me to do so, myself.
At 10:28am on August 29, 2008, deb simpson said…
Chester--its good to connect with you on Crimespace---Ill see you at SinC on 9/9! Dr Bass was a hoot!
At 12:24am on June 21, 2008, J.R. Lindermuth said…
Thanks for the add Chester. I saw somewhere your son works for EDS. My son used to work for them in Allentown and Berwick. He's now with Center for Schools in Camp Hill.
At 6:01am on June 17, 2008, carole gill said…
thanks so much! going to look now!
At 3:49am on June 17, 2008, carole gill said…
will have to check out your books too!
Not just KIng's!
At 2:38pm on March 24, 2008, L.J. Sellers said…
Hi Chester
I've enjoyed your posts on DL and thought I'd introduce myself. I like your protagonist's name, and I'm adding it to my "power name" list.
At 12:47pm on February 16, 2008, Chester D. Campbell said…
Hi, Elizabeth. I got a brief mention in the entertainment column of the morning paper Friday, so maybe it'll scare up a few folks. I've invited lots of people but you never know who will show up. Tell your husband it's an easy job. He'll meet a lot of interesting people. Just be sure he knows which way to direct folks to the restrooms.
At 12:27pm on February 16, 2008, Elizabeth Zelvin said…
Chester, I hope the room is packed for your book launch. My hubby is supposed to work on refreshments for mine along with the staff of the Mysterious Bookshop. I've been thinking about your wife--wish he could take lessons from her in drawing in the buyers before we go on the road in May and June. He's already tired of hearing, "Chester Campbell's wife says, 'Do you read mysteries?'"
At 7:28am on December 30, 2007, Jennie Bentley/Bente Gallagher said…
Hiya, Chester - o new head honcho of the SinC-MidTN chapter! Yes, I stop by the meetings once in a while. I was at the November meeting w/ Chris Grabenstein. I think we may even have had dinner together afterwards (although everyone who knows me, knows me as someone else there...) I'm planning to attend the January blues party, too, so we'll see each other there, and get properly introduced then. :-)
At 12:01pm on December 21, 2007, Kelli Stanley said…
Hi, Chester! Great to find you at Crimespace! :)

At 12:29pm on April 14, 2007, Mary Saums said…
Hey, Chester! A-ha, so that's what the red X is all about.
At 3:57am on March 28, 2007, Chester D. Campbell said…
Well, I goofed. Somebody posted a message that he had sent my book to his son, an OSI agent. I clicked the red X thinking it would be a reply, but it apparently erased the message. If the person reads this, please post again. I didn't get your name. Thanks.
At 3:50am on March 28, 2007, Chester D. Campbell said…
Thanks. I'll be interested to hear his reaction.
At 8:17am on March 23, 2007, Lynette Hall Hampton said…
Hi Chester, Good to see you here. Thanks for being my friend.
At 12:11pm on March 22, 2007, JackBludis said…
Hate to tell you, Chester, but we really ought to be writing more fiction ... The pleasant thing about this list is the photos ... You get an idea of somebody, even if it isn't necessarily right.

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