It's great to see you here at Crimespace, Janet. Thank you for the very kind comment. I was tremendously lucky to have Kristen Weber as my first editor, and I remain a huge fan of hers.
Hi Janet, after we spoke about you representing me as an agent, I recieved an email from a publishers who is going to take the manuscript! My first book and I am so thrilled! In the future, I may need your services, so I will always keep you in mind.
HI Kristine! The only way to query me is to send a query letter and pages. The instructions on how to do that are on my website
I'll be glad to read your stuff, but it has to come in the mail or via my email query process. I do this because it's how I keep track of things. I know it sounds anal but honest, it's what keeps this place from falling into anarchy!
Hi Janet, I don't know if you are taking on new clients but I am currently seeking an agent. I have been looking for a year and the good ones are taken. I saw your bio and you said you are an agent. I have a full manuscript ready, thriller/suspense based. You can go to my page and look at the synopsis. If you are willing to take on a new client I would be thrilled to work with you.
Thank you for your consideration. If you are too busy I understand.
I guess that's what we writers get for coughing up a mere 15% - they expect so much more. There's people here at my house this very minute, washing our many windows. They haven't broken any yet, but I"m being kept out of my office.
Sorry to take so long to answer, I was out of town for a few days - Haven't read either book you mentioned but will have to look into them - love discovering new authors to read ........
Hmmm, well, I wonder how good a bottle a three book deal would be worth? Maybe I'd even part with another bottle of fine single malt for something like that. Gotta keep one's agent happy.
And vice versa, of course.
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Thanks for the add! I love your memo to self above. Hehe.
Sigh. Writers sure have it easy these days.
I'll be glad to read your stuff, but it has to come in the mail or via my email query process. I do this because it's how I keep track of things. I know it sounds anal but honest, it's what keeps this place from falling into anarchy!
Thank you for your consideration. If you are too busy I understand.
And vice versa, of course.
Go Ducks!
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