Jeff Markowitz's Comments

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At 8:25am on September 27, 2009, Jennie Spallone said…
I'll check it out. A very Happy New Year.
At 4:44am on September 25, 2009, Jennie Spallone said…
What's this one about?
At 1:21am on September 22, 2009, Jennie Spallone said…
Hi Jeff,

Just had the house painted. I'm talking, the downstairs was in shambles on Rosh Hashana Eve! Was too sick to sing at temple that night, but mustered up my old strength and sang in choir on Saturday. Of course, my place was spotless by that time! That night, I had 16 people over for dinner. How 'bout you and your wife?
At 9:07am on April 4, 2008, Earl Merkel said…

I thoroughly enjoyed the LIM interview also.

Thanks for the good wishes about VIRGINS AND MARTYRS. Pub date is April 15, but the wait was eased somewhat when, earlier this week, I was informed that the April 1 issue of Library Journal gave a "starred" review to V&M, in the book's first national review. T'was a nice way to start 'er off.

I'll check in on your website, and urge others to do likewise.


--Earl Merkel
At 7:41am on April 4, 2008, Jennie Spallone said…
How's it been going since LIM?
At 3:40am on April 4, 2008, L.J. Sellers said…
Hi Jeff
I write first thing in the morning too . . . before all the other responsibilities kick in.
Sounds like a fun series.
At 9:25am on December 19, 2007, Jackie Tritt said…
Wow, Jeff, that must be the fastest acceptance on record. Hoping I can find Cassie O'Malley in the wilds of Oz.

At 5:44am on November 7, 2007, Eddie Vincent said…
Hi Jeff,
Hope all is well, I'm looking forward to next book in the Cassie O'Malley Mysteries series.
I loved the one I read.
At 10:35am on August 9, 2007, Michael Allan Mallory said…
Jeff, it was great to meet you in Waterville. It was a fun day. Best of luck to you, too!
At 11:47pm on August 7, 2007, Jack Getze said…
Thanks, Jeff, for the kind words. I hope you got a few laughs. I'm hoping to catch up on my reading at the end of September.
At 3:17am on August 3, 2007, Chip DePew said…
Hey Jeff, Rosie had a smash-up interview with ya a little while back, you are quite a character!

Have a great day!
At 9:38am on July 27, 2007, Kelli Stanley said…
Hi, Jeff, and thanks for the invite! The BEA sounds like it was a lot of fun (as does the book!)

I'm planning to attend our regional independent book dealer's expo in October. Any plans for Bouchercon?
At 12:45am on July 14, 2007, carole gill said…
I got into hardboiled fiction not too long ago. And I do enjoy pulp. Glad to see you do. I understand it's making a comeback?
Any way, that's what I'm writing now. Just joined. all the best.
At 1:05am on June 16, 2007, Jack Getze said…
Sorry I missed your signing at BEA, but was up to my butt giving away books myself. I'll try to pick one up soon.
At 9:28am on June 4, 2007, Glen C. Allison said…
Thanks, Jeff, for the comment. Was just in The City last week, but thought i'd save the "hot dog in Time Square" celebration for the next trip. Sounds like you have the same early-rising writing schedule as me. (Just after grinding the coffee beans and setting the brew.)
At 2:54am on May 30, 2007, Dennis Leppanen said…
Thanks much, for the invite, Jeff.
At 4:09am on May 16, 2007, Austin S. Camacho said…
Hey, Jeff!

Always glad to give you a shout-out, buddy. I'm sticking close to home this year, so no BEA or most others, but I AM looking at Deadly Ink for next year. I can make Jersey in 4 hours if I drive like Hannibal Jones. ;-)
At 10:25am on April 15, 2007, Morgan Mandel said…
The good thing about Crimespace is you don't have to do everything at once. You can go whereever you feel like going and explore another cranny when you want to.
Morgan Mandel
At 3:08am on April 15, 2007, LC Fraser said…
Jeff --- you never know - maybe your son goes somewhere interesting. Not that mine do, come to think of it...
At 11:40pm on April 13, 2007, Jeff Markowitz said…
You're right Deb. I do need to update my appearance page, but most of my recent "appearances" involve chauffering my son around and I'm not sure the world wants to hear about all that. I plan to spend time in NYC during Edgar Week catching up with people and I'll be at Deadly Ink this summer.

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