John McFetridge's Comments

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At 3:02pm on May 27, 2011, Tanis Mallow said…

Hey John,

I picked up Dirty Sweet a couple of days ago. Just started and I'm really enjoying it. It's a lot of fun when you're a local (sort of) and can recognize the settings.

Cheers - Tanis

At 1:27am on March 31, 2011, Benjamin Sobieck said…



Saw that Do Some Damage was nominated for a Spinetingler Award. Congratulations!



At 9:13am on November 25, 2009, Russell Brooks said…
Thanks for the welcome, John. I'm here trying to get to know other crime fiction lovers in here. Possibly thrillers too. Excellent article about the reality of bestsellers by the way. It was a real eye opener.
At 3:55pm on May 18, 2009, Matt Rees said…
What's the 57 state idea?
At 4:45am on February 21, 2009, Charlotte Williamson said…
In defense of my opinion regarding the trashing of good books into movies: I turned on my computer this morning, and guess what popped up on MSN? An article entitled,"How Hollywood takes good books and makes them into bad movies." Talk about poetic redemption of my opinion!! You ought to read the article. It's perfect timing.
At 3:50am on February 18, 2009, Charlotte Williamson said…
I'm with you. The Richard Chamberlain movie was lots better than Matt Damon. Why does Hollywood seem to think we need all of that violence, sex, and bad language. Give me a good plot and storyline any day, and I can use my own imagination.
Thanks for your comments on my discussion. they were very helpful and informative. Lots of good material coming in.
At 7:48am on October 20, 2008, D.R. MacMaster said…
Thanks for the nice blog comment. I'm currently working on an outline for the book.
At 7:21pm on October 2, 2008, Brian McGilloway said…
Thanks John
Hope the tour with Declan B goes well.
Best wishes
At 8:01am on September 4, 2008, Beth Groundwater said…
Hi John,
I enjoy your Forum discussion topics, so I thought it was about time we became Crimespace friends. Keep up the good work!
At 5:05am on July 20, 2008, carole gill said…
loved the interview, btw.
really admire you, John.
I know what you mean about solitude. I'm from Manhattan and live in rural Yorkshire!
and even though I had a long time to adjust, it does get on my nerves sometimes, especially when I'm walking the dogs through farmland--and as I step over various things I remember wearing high heels and rushing towards Fifth Avenue--feeling like the cat's pajamas! still, life has change in it. I guess.
Anyway, stay as cool as you are, cause you're great.
At 7:49am on July 16, 2008, Liam said…
But you do have to stay true to yourself, know what I mean? Commercial slommercial. Write what you like, and an agent who's not all about benji's and benji's will take it on. I haven't found one yet, but they have to be out. Waiting, lurking. Maybe I'll true the small press route, who knows.
At 6:21am on July 16, 2008, Liam said…
John, who is your agent? Looking for one who might dig on my stuff. Whatta ya think?
At 9:09am on July 7, 2008, Michael P. Naughton said…
Nice to meet you! Detroit is everything Elmore paints it as. In Detroit we have a saying, "Nobody moves, nobody gets hurt."
At 9:51am on June 27, 2008, Donna Carrick said…
Hey, that "Sex & Violence" stereotype catches my interest every time!! Sorry I missed your panel. Caught the one on Interpol and the one on VICLAS -- they were both really good. I'll look for you next time for sure!
At 9:01am on June 27, 2008, Donna Carrick said…
Hi, John, just Donna from Toronna checking in. "Everybody Knows...." sounds FANTASTIC -- will definitely order it and bump it up the TBR stack.
Great to see you!
At 12:00am on May 31, 2008, carole gill said…
p,s, it's in the Writer's Den section of the forum.
At 11:59pm on May 30, 2008, carole gill said…
John, thanks for your suggesting about that book--Death was the other woman.
Just ordered it! And I have so much to read--but that's going to take precedence.
Yes, it does sound like my kind of book, alright.
btw I started a discussion today which is asking a question based on a book review I saw for that book--the question doesn't concern THAT book--but other books that aren't as good--go see what you think--if you want to respond.
At 6:28am on May 25, 2008, Liam said…
Thanks John. Yeah, Declan has quite an amazing way to turn a phrase. Big fan, looking forward to reading Big O next.
At 4:29am on May 23, 2008, Dana King said…
Congratulations on the good review on Declan Burke's blog. I'm adding NOWHERE to my wish list for the next time I buy a basketful of books.
At 1:21am on May 6, 2008, Anne Frasier said…
John, that sounds like something I might love! Thanks so much for the title! The novelty of living in a church is beginning to wear a little thin. Mice. Rats. Squirrels. I've discovered that a rat or squirrel can chew a baseball-size hole in a wall in an hour. Heh! Grrr!!

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