Karen Syed's Comments

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At 5:55pm on February 27, 2009, Jon Jordan said…
At 4:04pm on March 27, 2008, L.J. Sellers said…
I remembered it (Book Place) and I'm trying to have a presence there too. And beefing up my profile on Facebook. My MySpace page is still in limbo. I need to find someone I can pay to modify it. Slow, steady inroads ....along with everyone else!
At 8:18am on February 17, 2008, L.J. Sellers said…
Hi Karen
I've been reading your posts on DL and MMA and wanted to say hello. Also, you mentioned another crime writer site recently, and I thought I bookmarked it, but now I can't find it or remember the name.
At 6:09am on February 13, 2008, Allan E. Ansorge said…
Hey, your the one who said, "get out there on the web." LIM panel

At 10:33pm on October 6, 2007, carole gill said…
Hi Karen! God! I thought I had a lot of friends?! Can I be you 467th? Holy moly!!
At 12:51am on May 8, 2007, Meredith Anthony said…
Karen-- Thanks for your note. And right back at you! Without Twin Peaks there would never have been a Lost or a Sopranos. Exciting TV and a crucial cultural event. And, yes, Kozo ROCKS!! I lived in MD for several years (St. John's College and JHU for grad school in writing). Next time I'm in the neighborhood, I could look you up. Kindred spirits!!
At 5:48am on April 17, 2007, Delphine Cingal said…
Thanks for the invite. I am happy to have a contact in the American publishing world, I am myself chief editor of a collection of classics in English with a French publisher
At 12:21am on April 17, 2007, Maxine Schmidt said…
Hi, Karen. I love hearing about people's Adventures in the Library. Of course, I have them five days a week, but mostly they involve bipedal mammals. And usually not the police and Animal Control at the same time. THAT'S an adventure!
At 7:59am on April 15, 2007, Patricia said…
Thanks for the friending Karen, nice to meet you
At 4:04am on April 15, 2007, Maryann Miller said…
Hi Karen, we meet again in another venue. Glad to be here as one of your friends.
At 1:36am on April 15, 2007, I. J. Parker said…
Hi, Karen. It's so nice to have you for a friend.
At 10:40pm on April 14, 2007, Ludger said…
Hi Karen, thanks for adding me.
Warm wishes from Germany.
At 6:38pm on April 14, 2007, Yang-May Ooi said…
Hi, thanks for adding me!
At 2:58pm on April 14, 2007, Eliza Tucker said…
Thank you so much for the add! I'm really enjoying your blog posts here.
At 11:59am on April 14, 2007, Sarah Baker said…
Hi, Karen! Good to see you here. Hope you're remembering to sleep once in awhile.
At 11:41am on April 14, 2007, HappyRuby said…
Thanks for the invitation.
At 11:40am on April 14, 2007, HappyRuby said…

thanks for the invitation
At 6:33am on April 14, 2007, Morgan Mandel said…
Hi Karen,
Good interview at Armchair Interviews. They asked and you answered a lot of questions authors want to know.
Morgan Mandel
At 3:07am on April 14, 2007, David Magayna said…
Hi Karen. thanks for the friending.
I'm familiar with the stalking role. I was Linda Barne's official stalker years ago. I had to give it up when she started performing on the stage. For some reason, I just looked out of place stage left.
Thanks again, Dave
At 12:50am on April 14, 2007, Charles Kelly said…
Karen, thanks for the invitation. I've only been a member of Crimespace for about a week, but it's obviously a very lively place.

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