James Oswald's Comments

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At 12:25am on January 10, 2008, carole gill said…
good l luck with your writing. I turned from writing horror (or was it horrible), to a stab (ho ho) at crime ficition.
At 1:42am on January 8, 2008, Darren Laws said…
Those damned clever marketing people! I will pass on your comments to my wonderful graphic designer. Btw, the book is better (then I would say that, wouldn't I) :-)
At 4:02am on December 20, 2007, Todd Robinson said…
Well, being a thug isn't all about bad behavior, although it plays a part. The bad behavior does account for most of the fun, however

At 11:36pm on August 13, 2007, Lyn LeJeune said…
Welcome to The Dark Side where there is a force that is, well, criminal.
My book, The Beatitudes, is a paranormal thriller set in New Orleans. It will be out in the fall and I am donating all royalties directly to the New Orleans Public Library Foundation. Libraries support the infrastructure of a great city, so I have started The Beatitudes Network to promote awareness of the importance of public libraries in NOLA.
The blogsite www.beatitudesinneworleans.blogspot.com describes the Network, has excerpts from The Beatitudes, recipes, and more. Merci mille fois. Lyn Lejeune.
Writers, please pass the word…..it’s for a good cause….don’t let the libraries of New Orleans or the US go the way of The Great Library of Alexandria. P.S. just posted an excerpt on my Crimespace page.
At 5:01am on July 20, 2007, Elizabeth Zelvin said…
Thanks for the comment, James. :) Liz
At 10:10pm on July 3, 2007, Evelyn David said…
Thanks for stopping by. Both Rhonda and Marian welcome you to the dark side. Love Edinburgh and anything set in that city.
At 11:54pm on May 23, 2007, Brett Battles said…
English ale always welcome!
At 6:52pm on May 3, 2007, James Oswald said…
Sadly the power of the beard has ebbed somewhat since Stuart MacBride penned that picture a good few years ago. Also my better half gave me a set of trimmers, which I took as a hint.
At 5:43pm on May 3, 2007, Daniel Hatadi said…
Glad to have you on The Dark Side, James. And may I say that is a most powerful beard at this increased resolution.
At 1:55am on May 3, 2007, James Oswald said…
Why, thankyou Jenfleur.
At 1:44am on May 3, 2007, Jennifer Jordan said…
You are so horrifically cute!

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