Kevin Wignall's Comments

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At 6:45pm on June 3, 2007, James Twining said…
Kevin - thanks for the heads up on crimespace! Love the photo
At 3:44am on May 31, 2007, Betty Duffy said…
Why is there an x - I don't remember putting it there, and my spelling seems to be funy too!!!!
At 3:44am on May 31, 2007, Betty Duffy said…
Hey up there Mr. Wignall, last year I was on ANTIBIOTICS so the drinks wer a fewer - however this year - there will be a crowd I see- wonderful
At 4:52am on May 27, 2007, Kevin Wignall said…
Oh yes, tbe bar's the place to be. Mind you, Chelbel, I seem to remember you and Betty don't need any encouragement from me.
At 3:19am on May 27, 2007, chelbel said…
Hey and thanks for doing the friends thing! Your going to Harrogate then. I guess that means a few late nights in the bar..
At 4:26am on May 23, 2007, Tom Cain said…
Thanks for the welcome - Harrogate it is!
At 8:33pm on May 22, 2007, Pat Mullan said…
...what's the matter with me? You're right! Drinks are one me next time, Kevin! But let's close the bar before 4 am!

Cheers, Pat.
At 9:58am on May 22, 2007, Kevin Wignall said…
Mr Williams, it's strange, but your message feels very close, almost as if it's coming from just a few miles away...
At 9:53am on May 22, 2007, Charlie Williams said…
Good evening sir. May I suggest the Double Gloucester.
At 8:44am on May 22, 2007, Kevin Wignall said…
Actually, Ray, I'm currently undergoing a programme of surgery to ensure that I do actually look like my photos from now on.
At 7:59am on May 22, 2007, Kevin Wignall said…
Are you talkin' to me? I don't see anyone else here. You talkin' to me?
At 6:57am on May 22, 2007, Kevin Wignall said…
You're welcome, Pat, but you could've at least offered me a drink!
At 6:53am on May 22, 2007, Pat Mullan said…
Hello Kevin,

Great hearing from you. Thanks for dropping in.

Cheers, Pat.
At 6:38am on May 22, 2007, Kevin Wignall said…
Hey Aldo, good to hear from you. Okay, I guess, and a new book finally hitting the ground in November. Watch this crimespace, as they'll increasingly say.
At 6:35am on May 22, 2007, MysteryDawg said…
Hey Kevin,

Long time no speak! How are things?

At 6:34am on May 22, 2007, Kevin Wignall said…
Don't speak too soon, Donna. I remember a friend who read "For the Dogs" and loved it until the end, at which point she threw it across the room!

Thanks, Sandra. Believe it or not, that was taken at a wedding - imagine what I look like at a funeral.
At 6:31am on May 22, 2007, Sandra Ruttan said…
Welcome aboard Kevin! Love the photo.
At 6:24am on May 22, 2007, Donna Moore said…
Aw thanks for the goody bag offer Kevin - that's really nice of you. And yes, I'm looking forward to meeting you at long last. Serendipitously, I'm just in the middle of reading AMONG THE DEAD and loving it.
At 6:05am on May 22, 2007, Kevin Wignall said…
Likewise, Donna - so we finally managed to bump into each other somewhere!
At 4:14am on May 22, 2007, Donna Moore said…
Kevin - nice to see you here!

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