I really loved Bobbie Faye, and if my plans don't change, I'll be able to nominate for best 1st for Agatha, Macavity, and Anthony. I've mostly left the nominating to others, but I'm keeping notes this time!
Thanks, Lori! (and I hear you get free refills on exclamation points when you make a friend float on air, so you gots plenty a'comin')
And wow, thank so much for the compliment. That scene, though, is in the current book 2 -- which won't be out 'til next May. But it's a very very very hot set of scenes.
Drinks all around! Wahoo. If page 123 you posted at FO is any indication...I can't wait for that goddamn Bobby Faye book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I used up all my exclamation points for the month.
Thanks, Carol -- I finished it this morning! What an amazing, wonderful feeling to type THE END. ;) Which I type regardless as to whether or not the editor needs it because it feels so damned good. ;) Congratulations on finishing yours, too! And I'll raise a glass to you tonight as well.
(Ya know, I think there should be mandatory trumpets or something when we're at the end. Not a whole parade, but maybe at least trumpets. Who do I see about that?)
Hi Toni, thanks for befriending me. Did you finish book #2? I just finished the 2nd draft of my WIP. I'm going to a martini party tonight, so I'll drink for the both of us. Here's to finishing!
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And wow, thank so much for the compliment. That scene, though, is in the current book 2 -- which won't be out 'til next May. But it's a very very very hot set of scenes.
I used up all my exclamation points for the month.
(Ya know, I think there should be mandatory trumpets or something when we're at the end. Not a whole parade, but maybe at least trumpets. Who do I see about that?)
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