A Brewster Smythe's Comments

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At 7:45am on April 6, 2007, Lynette Hall Hampton said…
Wasn't Jericho riviting this week? I was thinking seriously that I'd like to pinch the police chief's head off. (An expression I heard a lot when I was a kid.) Still don't know why the guy had to leave town, afterall he wasn't the one with the gun when the arguement started. It did make for a good dramatic situation though. I guess the "fake FBI" will be the next big evet.
At 2:49am on April 3, 2007, A Brewster Smythe said…
I found out the same thing. I kept trying to find it on Demand. As my frustration mounted, I decided to do a little detective work. My daughter, Rita, is also a fan and said she had heard that they weren't showing it either. I suppose my detective skills are pretty elementary. Perhaps a job as a ticket taker at the local theater would be more appropriate?
At 1:38am on April 3, 2007, Lynette Hall Hampton said…
I finally found someone who told me that Jericho wasn't on the week we both thought we missed it. I think I'm pretty well caught up on it now. How about you?
At 8:13am on March 27, 2007, A Brewster Smythe said…
Thanks a lot, Lynette - I just can't believe it isn't on demand - normally, it follows the weekly episode! Well, let me - it really ended in suspense the week before last.
At 6:40am on March 27, 2007, Lynette Hall Hampton said…
Oh no. I was going to ask you what happened. I had a signing last Wednesday evening and the show was over when I got home. My sister watches the show too but she has gone to the beach. I'll try to find out from her and let you know.
At 8:40pm on March 26, 2007, A Brewster Smythe said…

I missed the episode last Wednesday and can't find it On Demand...what happened? I am a Law and Order fan big time--but have fallen off a little bit because I really loved Jerry--and really kind of tired of all the many changes. A dress is just a dress, heh?
At 4:41pm on March 26, 2007, Lynette Hall Hampton said…
It's great to meat another Jericho fan. Nobody I know watches the show and I have a tough time finding someone to discuss it with. I also love Law and Order. As for the dress, it's too much like some I own for me to comment.
At 4:20am on March 25, 2007, A Brewster Smythe said…
Is there something you are trying to tell me about the dress situation J.D. ?? (wink)
At 4:13am on March 25, 2007, J. D. Webb said…
Way sexy. Would have been my choice off the rack. If I wore them that is.
At 2:59am on March 25, 2007, A Brewster Smythe said…
I know, I suppose I should look into plastic surgery of some sort - but since this is the only dress I own - I think the whole picture is kind of sexy? How about you??
At 2:35am on March 25, 2007, J. D. Webb said…
Love your photo. Um, you have a nice a smirk. And you have dropped your pitchfork.
Your Illinois neighbor.
J. D. Webb
At 12:37am on March 25, 2007, Karen Dionne said…
Gotta admit, it was your profile pic that got my attention. I'm not sure if I should smile, or run the other way!

:) <-- me, smiling.

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