Lynette Rees's Comments

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At 4:03am on July 14, 2010, Copper Smith said…
Check out 'Inseparable' at A Twist of Noir!
At 10:45pm on April 22, 2008, HELI COP said…
Thanks, It's nice having you as a friend
At 1:57pm on April 10, 2008, Dorothy Thompson said…
Oh, Lynette! Of course I remember you! How have you been???
At 6:49pm on March 26, 2008, len howlett said…
This may seem stranger to me even than to you, but somehow 'The Sopranos' passed completely across my screen without my observing one episode. I will go by a rental place and probably view it all. I just tend to mistrust a lot of made for tv shows until they are way past and someone says, 'What is the problem with you? This is exactly the kind of stuff you like.' I didn't watch 'Miami Vice' even though I lived in the city and had to work to avoid running into it constantly. Now, I own several seasons of it and watch it when I need a good shot of humor. So, yeah, since I like wiseguys, and am one myself of another sort, it is something I will get to soon. I'm doing a piece now that has a lot of the several varieties meeting head on, Middle Eastern and more traditional varieties meeting head on, with a couple of penny ante, hustler, poseurs caught in the middle and playing way over their heads. Hey, come to think of it, that may describe me. Has someone got a mirror handy? Thanks for the comment.
At 4:31am on March 21, 2008, L.J. Sellers said…
Just saying Hi because you're online.
Your book covers are varied and engaging.
At 1:23pm on February 28, 2008, Lawrence Kelter said…
Good to know you. Hope to hear from you often.
At 5:23am on February 19, 2008, Rhys Bowen said…
I still haven't worked out what is a comment, what is a message etc. Still basically a non-computer geek kind of person.
If you like Peter Robinson, I think you'll enjoy my books. I'm also a big fan of his.
At 2:05am on February 15, 2008, shirley dicks said…
Hello Lynette, good to meet a new friend and I hope this coming year is great for us all in the way of our writings. I like suspence books, I guess I like all books but horror, sci fi .....and I read a lot.

I'm trying to do more promotions this year and hoping to get back to speaking. Was contacted by a college in NY so I may go. It will be the first time since my youngest son was killed three years ago as we spoke out together.

But I know he'd want me to continue our work.... Promotion yourself is hard though but can't afford to have anyone else do it for me, so guess I have to get down to it and try. Books won't sell themselves sitting in my computer room....good luck with your books.... Shirley
At 9:22pm on February 6, 2008, helen black said…
I totally agree with you about multi reading - I always have at least three books on the go.
Usually one crimie, one literary novel and one non fiction. Add to that a possible research book for the writing and maybe a book of poetry ...
My daughter is the same.
My husband and son however do one strictly at a time - maybe it's a gender thing.
HB xxx
At 6:14am on February 6, 2008, Rhys Bowen said…
My Constable Evans series comes to mind, with your last name. Welsh policeman in Snowdonia. I'd recommend Evan's Gate to begin with. That book was an Edgar nominee.

If you like your mysteries darker and meatier, then I'd recommend one of the Molly Murphy series--set in New York, 1902. The first is Murphy's Law and that sort of sets up everything. The latest hardcover is In Dublin's Fair City and the latest paperback in Oh Danny Boy.
However, if you enjoy a chuckle as well as a shiver with your mysteries then my Her Royal Spyness might be your cup of tea. It's about the British royal family in the 1930s.
Plenty of Choice.
At 1:35pm on February 5, 2008, Rhys Bowen said…
Thanks for inviting me, Lynette. We Rhyses have to stick together. Cymru am byth.
At 7:28am on February 5, 2008, Karen Allingham said…
Welcome Lynette! Thanks for adding me. Isn't this a great site? A great network of friendly people.

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