Sara;Greetings: Just to let you know that my New Orleans noir mystery, The
Beatitudes, has received 5 starred reviews! I am donating all royalties to the New Orleans Public Library Foundation to help rebuild the public libraries. I have posted Chapter I on my blog Please read and if you like it, help rebuild a library for NOLA. Thank you Lyn LeJeune
Thanks for the invite, Sara. Sorry it took so long to repsond but I have been swamped with galleys and workshops and other such stuff. I don't know how some authors balance the writing, promoting, keeping in touch with family and friends and still find time to breathe. I look forward to more about your book
Welcome, Sara! This is an interesting group and a wonderful place to discover more mystery writers. Cozies are my favorites but I like the 'hardboiled' ones too.
Best always,
Thanks! Noir is not really my "cup of tea" as Agatha Christie or Laura Childs would say, but you sound like you have a fun protagonist. Are you in that hateful state of "waiting" and "being rejected?" Bummer. But I'm glad you made it through the bike ordeal. I crashed once on a ATC in the dunes of Dumont, and got a nasty burn from the exhaust pipe under my arm. That did it for me! But I'd already be writing, so no big life changing thing...except we eventually sold the bikes and the buggie and the motorhome! Good Luck!
Hi Sara, your book looks interesting. You live in Canada... how do you like it there? Have you ever been to America? Just wondering, we are neighbors, however I only went to Canada on a sail boat in the ocean, discovery the many nooks and crannies.
stop by my page anytime! Look forward to talking to you!
I like that beginning about the book complete?
My campaign, The Beatitudes Network, is rolling along. It is aimed at rebuilding the public libraries of New Orleans. My book, The Beatitudes, a paranormal thriller, will be out in the fall and I will donate all royalties to the New Orleans Public Library Foundation. NOLA is my home town. Email me at to get information for ordering. A worthy cause....public libraries are part of a great city.
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all the best!
Happy New Year, and all the best in your writing in 2008.
Beatitudes, has received 5 starred reviews! I am donating all royalties to the New Orleans Public Library Foundation to help rebuild the public libraries. I have posted Chapter I on my blog Please read and if you like it, help rebuild a library for NOLA. Thank you Lyn LeJeune
Great choice of Film and TV though you seem to have missed out To Have and Have Not.
Best always,
Rob Loughran
Windsor, CA
stop by my page anytime! Look forward to talking to you!
My campaign, The Beatitudes Network, is rolling along. It is aimed at rebuilding the public libraries of New Orleans. My book, The Beatitudes, a paranormal thriller, will be out in the fall and I will donate all royalties to the New Orleans Public Library Foundation. NOLA is my home town. Email me at to get information for ordering. A worthy cause....public libraries are part of a great city.
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