Thomas O'Callaghan's Comments

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At 8:43am on June 12, 2007, LC Fraser said…
I like the first one better - it has more personality which works for the kid in question.
At 8:39am on June 12, 2007, LC Fraser said…
Thank you. You are most helpful. Do you do laundry too? Just one thing --- is there a manual on how to attach this to a teenage girl? She has, finally, wandered off to harass someone else (her sister or one of her brothers I think)
At 7:50am on June 12, 2007, LC Fraser said…
Mickey Jackson? That sounds downright scary.

Teenage girl is STILL yattering. Why are they not made with an 'off' switch? Boys are SO much easier to raise.
At 7:07am on June 12, 2007, LC Fraser said…
Shopping for shoes always makes time stop in any time zone. Any woman knows that.

The question is - does time relax enough to let you get work done while still playing on Crimespace? I wouldn't know being that I never do any real work.
At 6:55am on June 12, 2007, LC Fraser said…
Maybe you should pick up an Omega. It is closer to midnight than you think.

Teenage girl is still yattering.
At 6:39am on June 12, 2007, LC Fraser said…
Ever tried to shut up a teenage girl?

So what is the deadline now? Or is it still yesterday?
At 4:00am on June 12, 2007, LC Fraser said…
Thank you. Sadly it was temporary as it takes forever to make my hair straight. Fun though and okay for special occasions.

Get your stuff done and off to the publisher?
At 7:29am on June 8, 2007, LC Fraser said…
Which resembles tomorrow --- good luck!
At 10:23am on June 5, 2007, LC Fraser said…
June 1 has come and gone - did you get another reprieve or actually have to turn something in? Hopefully not wrapped in duct tape.
At 4:11pm on April 27, 2007, LC Fraser said…
How is that deadline coming? Thought you would have joined 4MA and Moldy by now so you could party but guess you are too busy duct taping folk.

on the not funny side - my sister is not expected to last the night --- although three weeks ago they gave her 48 hours and she is still here so who knows
At 3:26am on April 22, 2007, LC Fraser said…
What? Still no comment on the duct tape? Did you get my email?
At 4:43pm on April 18, 2007, LC Fraser said…
Who told you I had YOUR duct tape? It belongs to my son. Honest. I am not sure what a teenage boy needed with a roll of duct tape that size and I am NOT asking. He doesn't know I borrowed it yet. I didn't think anyone else knew either.
At 10:59am on April 12, 2007, JackBludis said…
I took the liberty of connecting to your website. Pretty good stuff. Hard to beat the blurbs.
At 2:52am on March 31, 2007, LC Fraser said…
JD had to leave. He was too busy with teaching to hang out here with us drinking whiskey or whisky all day. He prefers Blue anyway (no accounting for taste)
At 1:26am on March 28, 2007, Daniel Hatadi said…
The Bar's working fine on this side of the globe. Stick a boot in your computer and try again?
At 12:25pm on March 26, 2007, Laura Benedict said…
Oh, now we have trouble. If you say "martoonie," I'm likely to buy you one, then make sure you get home safely! (Here in cyber-world, you get to have it both ways!)
At 12:30am on March 25, 2007, Sean Chercover said…
Thomas - I can't seem to retrieve your message.
At 11:48am on March 23, 2007, LC Fraser said…
I put a picture of John on my photos if you want to see what your hero looks like
At 2:03am on March 23, 2007, LC Fraser said…
Um - John Driscoll taught my daughter in grade five. When did he move to NYC?
At 9:51pm on March 21, 2007, Tiffany Leigh said…
Definitely Scudder. When I moved here I sought out "New York Authentic" -- crime fic seemed to be the genre doing it consistently great.

Started with older stuff (Dawn Powell, Hammett's Thin Man, Woolrich) then sought out more contemporary stuff -- police procedurals by way of Cunitz and Ed Dee, then found Block, who sealed it.

I love that I can prowl the city and find many places he's written about -- the Flame, (formerly) Jimmy Armstrong's...

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