Pari Noskin Taichert
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Pari Noskin Taichert's Friends

  • Jon Loomis
  • Rhonda Hitchcock
  • A. N. Smith
  • Ann C. Theis
  • Kimberly V. Taylor
  • charlene
  • Adela Trentanelli
  • Bruce Findleton
  • Jeff Cohen
  • Lori Devoti
  • Sophie Littlefield
  • Jonnie
  • Liz Filleul
  • Mary Elwood
  • ChristopherGMoore

Pari Noskin Taichert's Discussions

Murder Must Air

Started Oct 17, 2007

Gems for writers
40 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Pepper Smith May 11, 2007.

Advice for workshop -- Help!
23 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Steven Torres Apr 12, 2007.


Pari Noskin Taichert's Page

Profile Information

New Mexico
About Me:
Two-time Agatha Award nominee, award-winning journalist, all-round quirky sense o' humor. Founder of I adore New Mexico; there's no place more beautiful.
Books And Authors I Like:
Alice Hoffman, Terry Pratchett, Jasper Fforde, Tony Hillerman, J.T. Ellison, Simon Wood, Louise Ure, Alex Sokoloff, Naomi Hirahara, Elaine Flinn, Charlaine Harris, Lee Killough, SJ Rozan and, oh, so many more.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Life on Mars, L & O SVU, Raines, Medium, The Shield, The Closer, the Simpsons

Movies: Spirited Away, In Search of Bobby Fischer, The Little Princess (American version), Monsoon Wedding, the Princess Bride, Bladerunner, Holes

Pari Noskin Taichert's Blog

Standard Bears: Should writing organizations have standards for membership?

by Pari Noskin Taichert

A few months ago, Mystery Writers of America revised its approved publishers list for active membership. The…


Posted on September 8, 2007 at 7:39am

Three Qualities of the Best PR Pros

by Pari Noskin Taichert

Any novelist will tell you: Flashes of true creativity are few and far between. The real stuff of successful storytelling and prose comes in the daily butt-in-the-chair exercise of drafting, writing, editing, refining, editing and editing again.

The same holds true for PR. It's hard work. At its core, public relations is about…


Posted on July 7, 2007 at 9:39am

What I know . . .

by Pari Noskin Taichert

An idea is precious, more valuable than gold.

But if forced, new quickly descends into old.

The most brilliant spark can lose its glow

When edited too much, when pushed where it doesn't want to flow.

Work each day, sit at the computer.

Grab and observe like an emotional looter.

Characters demand their stories be told.

The writer transforms into mother,…


Posted on June 16, 2007 at 7:43am

Meet Katherine MacGilvary Pt. 1

by Pari Noskin Taichert

When I first met Kat, she was the events coordinator for one of New Mexico's most wonderful independent bookstores. Alas, Bound to be Read closed. After a few months at another indy, she make the jump onto the other side of the telephone and became the booking coordinator for the University of New Mexico…


Posted on June 11, 2007 at 11:17am

Workshop Relief

It's done. I gave the full-day workshop on "Think 'Published' to Get Published," at Anne Hillerman's home in Santa Fe (Yes, she's one of Tony's daughters). Eleven people attended and by the end we were all exhausted; I gave them so much information I could see their heads swelling. I also made them do all kinds of writing exercises so that they'd have several places to start on their search for publication, AND also did quite a bit of psychological…


Posted on April 29, 2007 at 12:47pm

Comment Wall (83 comments)

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At 10:04pm on March 26, 2008, DADavenport said…
Hi, Pari. I am so sorry I have been negligent in telling you how much I appreciated all you did for me during LCC Denver. Thanks for taking me under your wing and showing me the ins and outs of convention life. You were a Godsend.
Unfortunately, quite soon after LCC we received word that Cliff's mother was dying and I went from the highs of Denver back to reality in a flash. Rushed down to say our goodbyes in Shreveport by the next weekend. We returned home last Thursday and she passed away Easter Sunday. While there I came down with the flu and Cliff soon followed. Now he has had to fly back, sick, for the funeral, while I sit here hacking out a lung. Rough several weeks.
Just started at the computer again, so contacting you was my number one thing on my list.
Take care, and thanks again for your friendship.
At 2:52pm on March 13, 2008, LC Fraser said…
Its here! Still at Sleuth waiting for me to get into the city but it is here!! I can't wait.
At 7:42am on February 10, 2008, LC Fraser said…
Sleuth has it on order for me! So now I just have to wait for it to get in. Am really looking forward to it.
At 4:30am on January 7, 2008, LC Fraser said…
Hey Pari! Am trying to get Sleuth to order Socorro for me and they cannot find a mention of it even on the UofNM website publisher page. Any idea when it will be available? I thought it was out about now but JD says that this has nothing yet and usually stuff is there for him to look over three months in advance. I don't know who to nag but you. I could send the kid to kick someone I suppose (just kidding)
At 1:07am on November 21, 2007, Lillian Porter said…
I've just finished the Belen Hitch and enjoyed it very much.

Looking forward to reading more
At 5:00am on October 18, 2007, Charlotte Williamson said…
Thank you for responding. Is trying to get an agent AFTER publication going at it backwards?
At 1:34am on October 17, 2007, Charlotte Williamson said…
Just finished your article in "The 3rd Degree." Very informative. Let me ask you a question. I already have two books in publication. It's a small publishing house, and they don't do much in the way of promotion. I think promotion is the hardest part of being an author. Lotta work. Do you or other agents usually take on (as clients) published authors? I never really entertained the idea of procuring an agent, but with my third novel (which I'm in the process of writing), I thought I might give it a shot. Your thoughts? Ideas?
At 7:31am on September 28, 2007, Charlotte Williamson said…
It pays to be different, though. People will definitely remember you. I'm sure you're proud of your lineage. Have you ever done a family tree? Your's sounds like it'd be very interesting.
At 2:07am on September 27, 2007, Charlotte Williamson said…
Thanks for the invite, Pari. Looking forward to conversing. You have an unusal name. Sounds Russian. It think it's delightful. I love names that are different from the norm. Makes a person stand out. Your profile reads like an in-depth thinker.
At 2:07am on September 27, 2007, Ann C. Theis said…
HI, Pari. Thanks for the note. I lived in NM (Albuquerque) for seven years and hope to return to the area someday. My sister lives in Flag, so I still get a southwest fix every so often. BTW, I'm looking forward to the Socorro book . . .

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