Bill Kirton
  • 85, Male
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  • Michael Malone
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  • Reece Hirsch
  • Nancy Thorp
  • jKathleen
  • Tim Quinton
  • Brian L Porter
  • Love Is Murder Conference
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  • bruceforester
  • carole gill
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Bill Kirton's Discussions

More advice on bookstore visits
7 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Bill Kirton Aug 7, 2007.

advice on boosktore visits
14 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Bill Kirton Jun 11, 2007.


Bill Kirton's Page

Profile Information

Aberdeen, Scotland
About Me:
I write for a living - mostly tedious stuff for brochures, videos,dvds and the like. I write radio plays and, in the crime genre, I've had 2 novels and several short stories published. My first novel -Material Evidence - was republished in the USA this year (2007) in the Bloody Brits series and the second - Rough Justice - is due to appear in March 2008. Oh, and I've co-authored a book on writing for students. It's called Just Write and it confirms the fact that I understand absolutely nothing about publishing because it costs just under £10 in paperback but (with an identical text) it's £60 in hardback. (So please buy the hardback version.)
I Am A:
Books And Authors I Like:
too many to list
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
very few TV shows, too many movies to list

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Bill Kirton's Blog

The ingenuity of readers

Now that I've at last been published in the USA, I've had some intriguing reactions from readers but it was one recent one that provoked this blog. He wrote to say that he was halfway through and enjoying Material Evidence very much. I was flattered, wrote back and, in the course of the email, asked him 'OK, whodunnit, then?'

A couple of days later, I got another, 600 word email in reply. He was still just over halfway through the book but was confident that he knew who the…


Posted on January 29, 2008 at 7:50pm


For years I've hesitated to add to the blogosphere. There's no denying that there's a lot of amusing, entertaining, informative, heart-rending, compassionate, committed, useful (etc., etc.) stuff there but there's also so much garbage. It can be quite depressing reading the inarticulate ramblings of people with nothing to say. But, of course, none of my minor gripes is relevant when placed against the democratisation it represents. Voices are heard nowadays. Blogging may have recreated the…


Posted on May 1, 2007 at 8:45pm — 2 Comments

Comment Wall (17 comments)

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At 6:30am on January 19, 2010, Michael Malone said…
Hey Bill - we're friends in so many ways. Warms the cockles of me heart, so it does.
At 7:05pm on February 6, 2008, Bill Kirton said…
Yes, Kathleen - that wonderful word - absurd. When I used to give tutorials on it in theatre or novels, students were often reluctant to accept the possibility of a world where there's no purpose (if one has no god to thank/blame for anything). I turned intellectual somersaults to show them that rather than being a cause for despair, it frees us to be glad that we have the chance to enjoy life. Laughter is so precious.
At 6:17am on February 6, 2008, jKathleen said…
I should rephrase that comment . There are those I do not like as much as others, But hate is not something I allow myself.
I may not care for their habits, choices, but I would venture to say I truly try to find something good in everyone to at least to focus on . But then I have led a sheltered life. lol. Thank You for becoming my Crime space friend. Your songs make me smile and remind me how absurd the world is.
At 10:46pm on February 4, 2008, Bill Kirton said…
Glad it's working for you Carol. It means I will, of course, want at least 20% of your earnings when it's published. Enjoy the ride with your people.
At 10:36pm on February 4, 2008, carole gill said…
goodness, Bill I didn't realise you commented until I came back to your page! thanks so much.
I've been working on just letting my characters go along as they liked and it's working! they have surprised me, too. it's amazing. I keep making notes though at the end of each chapter so I can follow where they're leading me! thanks so much for your advice.
and i do thank you for sharing that example about the radio play. I suppose characters have to be their own people for it to be exciting and creative!
all the best.
At 11:05pm on January 29, 2008, Bill Kirton said…
hehe, np Carole. From what I wrote earlier, you'll probably guess that I let my characters do all the work for me. The only time I didn't do that was in a radio play I wrote years ago. I'd worked out a 'clever' set of images and a tension between themes of expansion and contraction (you know, life should be one of spreading possibilities, whereas we take jobs and get into habits that actually shrink our lives, etc.) The thing was broadcast and one of the reviews began 'This is a tiresome play about tiresome characters ...' and the guy was right. So, at the risk of causing mayhem in your novel, I'd say let them have their heads. They'll surprise you and it'll be delightful.
At 10:49pm on January 29, 2008, carole gill said…
Hello again Bill!
Guess what I did what you suggested--about just writing and seeing what happens, but now I have another question: I never did this before. and I was wondering, as the characters seem to have hijacked my idea completely--do I let them run with it and see what happens?! sorry to ask so many questions--i won't go on blathering about it or bothering you after this I promise!
At 3:22am on December 23, 2007, Bill Kirton said…
Sue, sorry to hear the news. Terrible timing too. I hope the memories just get stronger and more comforting. Try to enjoy the season and hope that 2008 is full of good news.
At 2:57am on December 23, 2007, Sue Dawson said…
You are younger than I, who at 72, is feeling my age more than usual. My sister died yesterday evening at age 78. She had resided in a care center for the last eight months. Family was around her. She had been married 52 years! Treasure your friends and relatives in this season. No sad songs for me, however, I have many good memories and look forward to 2008.
At 5:03am on July 20, 2007, Elizabeth Zelvin said…
Thanks for the comment, Bill. My Aunt Hilda is demonstrating that 95 is "the new 60" you suggested. She spent her birthday playing tennis and going dancing with her boyfriend. And then she flew from Seattle to NY (no, no red cape) to celebrate with the rest of the family. :) Liz

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