Coming in April, My New Nonfiction Book on the Sex Trade Industry, PROSTITUTION IN THE DIGITAL AGE


A frank look at the commercial sex-for-sale industry in the 21st century.

Prostitution—often referred to as "the world's oldest profession"—is flourishing in the digital age. In the United States alone, an estimated $14 billion is generated in annual revenue from the sex trade industry. Worldwide revenue from the commercial sex trade industry is estimated at topping $100 billion each year.

In spite of the often glamorized depictions of the sex-for-sale industry in fiction, Hollywood , and popular media, for most prostituted young women and men there the sex trade is all about sexual exploitation, abuse, and violence. Runaways and thrownaways are particularly vulnerable to pimps, johns, and pornographers.

However, the Internet age of prostitution has proven to be a boom for upper class prostitutes, especially the super elite ladies of the night, many of whom earn hundreds of thousands a year plying the trade.

Legal prostitution in the U.S. exists only in Nevada, giving brothel sex workers a viable alternative to illegal prostitution, but is still fraught with risks and competition from prostitutes still working the streets or hotels of Las Vegas and Reno.

PROSTITUTION IN THE DIGITAL AGE explores all the highs and lows of the sex trade indiustry in today's world. It goes on sale April 2011.

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Comment by cj forrest on January 4, 2011 at 6:18am

This sounds like a very interesting twist on an old subject, R.  I will keep an eye out for it this April.  cj

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