Seeking US publishers without an agent (but with a first novel in UK)

Hi, everyone. This is my first post, and I'm happy to be here.

My first novel, BONE MACHINES, came out in the UK in December 2007. An events manager at Waterstone's bookshop suggested I tout it (or my next) to US publishers, since the market here in the UK is very, very constricted. She knew of at least one British author who hit big in the USA first before a British publisher would even look at him.

So far, though, I've not found any publishers who take submissions other than through an agent. Although I have initial interest from one or two agents, it's for my second book. Anyone here know of publishers in the States who have an open submissions policy.


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Interesting discussion!
I'd like to know about this too, although for future (near future)?! reference!
And welcome to you.
Have your agent contact a U.S. agent.
Umm, correction. I think you mean that you don't have an agent in England either. In that case, you'll have to query agents. Since you have a book already, you should be able to find one. For that matter, perhaps you should have an agent in the U.K. also.
Most of the big houses don't take unagented submissions. If you can get hold of a current US writer's market book, you can find smaller houses that do, but you won't hit it big going that route. Try getting an agent for your second book, then offer them your first when they've got the second one placed with a publisher.
You need to get an agent who specializes in selling foreign rights — there are a lot of countries out there.


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