I'd like to hear how others handle it when a radio interviewer gets your name wrong.

For example, this morning, on a live call-in interview, the interviewer introduced me as "Ken Isaacman." Since--being radio--there are no visual props, such as a book cover or onscreen text, some kind of correction is needed.

What I did was to wait for an appropriate time during the interview to ask whether it was alright to tell the listeners about my website--the URL for which is my name. I pronounced it and spelled it out. Thus, I was able to make the correction without doing so expressly.

How have others here handled this? It would seem kind of awkward saying "Uh, the name's Isaacson, not Isaacman."


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Whenever this happens to me, I proceed to answer all the interview questions in pig latin.
Just tell him/her. If you are repeatedly referred to by the wrong name, what do you think listeners are going to remember - the wrong name they heard a bunch of times, or a web addy? Seriously, no interviewer worth his/her salt is going to get upset about something like this. Everybody's human, mistakes happen, but if you can correct it on the spot, then do!
I think you handled it perfectly. That's the way I do it. Interrupting the interview with a correction can throw off the interviewer, even make some jerks secretly angry. While you can't let them keep repeating the mistake, agreed, I wait for a convenient spot to slip in the correct spelling or pronunciation, or even correct book title.
Few people can pronounce my first name --Deirdre-- correctly, unless maybe they're Irish, and even then. Most pronounce it DEEdra, forgetting the first R. This drives me crazy. I usually handle it with humor. I often joke that my name has been mispronounced so many different ways I've started answering to anything that starts with a D.

As long as the interviewer doesn't seem to be purposefully obtuse or obnoxious, I'd find a convenient time to bring it up, make the correction, then move on.
I think you handled it very well, Ken. I have a standing joke when folks get my name wrong. No one believes it when they hear "Groundwater" and they always ask me to spell it. I get mail addressed to Brownwater (lovely!), Grovelwar (how does THAT work?), and all kinds of variations, so I always say no one ever believes that my last name is really Groundwater, dirt and water, just like it sounds. Then I describe the history of the name--my husband's Scottish (NOT American Indian) ancestors both fished & farmed for a living, earning their livelihood from both the land and the sea. And, if there's time, I talk about my brother-in-law, who is a water engineer, Mr. Groundwater in the Wastewater Division. Now he REALLY gets the jokes!
- Beth
Someone better hope "Brownwater" doesn't stick as a nickname. Good thing you're not on my softball team.


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