What magazine works best for you when promoting your books?

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I have no idea what the impact is but I have paid for ads in AHMM and EQMM.
Okay, please excuse my ignorance but what is AHMM and EQMM? LOL
AHMM: Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine
EQMM: Ellery Queene's Mystery Magazine
The two top-ranked monthly publications of short mystery fiction. In the U.S. -- though I think they may exist in European countries also. At any rate, they always want translation rights when they buy a story.
Many mystery bookstores have newsletters which run ads.
Oh, now that's a good idea. Have you explored this at all?
This month's newsletter from Sleuth of Baker Street Books in Toronto has an ad for my books. The newsletter just went out, so I'll let you know how it goes.
Thanks. It sounds interesting. It's a matter of cost vs. circulation, but you get a selected book-buying audience.


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