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I finished Terrenoire's book last week. The man knows what he's doing and he knows how to have a good time while he's doing it. Both writer and main character.

"Crimespace's own..."

I have to say, that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
I picked up BAPM last year at Thrillerfest. Between the drinking, panels, drinking, conversations, drinking, hanging out in the bar and drinking, I still found myself unable to put the damn thing down until I was done with it. Excellent book. I can see why it was a nominee for best novel at Thrillerfest.
Good stuff, innit?
Currently reading Final Curtain, the English translation from the Norwegian of Kjersti Scheen's Teppefall. This is my first reading of a Margaret Moss mystery, and I hope I get to read more. I want to explore the chances of purchasing such translations from U.S. sources since I select mysteries for my public library. Procedures require me to find U.S. source.
I am enjoying Margaret Moss. I have no idea where Final Curtain falls in the Moss series. As we meet her in this novel, Moss is a private investigator in Oslo. She is a former actress, and former police officer. She is a very believable woman. coping with her uncertain income from her PI business, with teenage daughter and an aging aunt to deal with at home. She has a healthy libido and gets distracted by some of the men who cross her path.
The premise of Final Curtain is Moss' investigation into the disappearance of a former colleague, the actress Rakel Winkelmann. She travels from Oslo to Bergen and other places.As with other mysteries in translation, this novel makes me aware of my ignorance of the rest of the world and prompts me get out the maps and encyclopedias, etc., and vicariously explore Oslo, Bergen, and Malmoya.
This novel is very enjoyable. I would characterize it as character-driven, with Moss, her family, and her acquaintances central to the narrative. The translation is a bit challenging as the translator is British and sometimes I feel I miss the meaning. But I still keep picking it up and look forward to the next Scheen/Moss I can get my hands on.
This is the golden age of Scandinavian crime fiction - at least Scandinavian crime fiction translated into English. I have to try this. Recently read Jo Nesbo, Helene Tursten, and Karen Fossum and it's a good thing there are more by these authors now that I have to wait for the next translation of Arnaldur Indridason's series. Thanks for the suggestion, Jean.
I particularly love the character of the daughter in that book - thought she was really well done. I also really liked the idea that Moss was the sort of women who was willing to throw herself bodily into a problem - she must be bruised black and blue constantly :)
Re forfeign locales in books. I loved feading The Laughing Policeman because I used to live in Stockholm and recognized many of the streets and places. I lived in so many different neighborhoods there that I got to know the city pretty well. But that that 50 yhears ago and by now all has changed...
I suspect that even without that you'd have liked the book. Sjowall and Wahloo were wonderful writers -- long before the current Scandinavian craze.
I always have two books going at once. Right now it's JUNE BUG by Jess Lourey and THE NIGHT GARDENER by George Pelecanos. I pick either up depending on whether I want some humor or some seriousness.
i'm reading WHAT THE DEAD KNOW with Chris Mooney's THE MISSING currently on deck.
I'm reading The Gospel According to Luke by Emily Maguire. I got the book from England because I learned it wasn't going to be published here. After reading her debut novel, The Taming of the Beast, which you can buy here, I wanted to see what she'd do next. This woman is good.

I just finished Scott Free by Vin Packer (Marijane Meaker) her first Packer novel since 1969. Packer was an early PBO writer for Gold Medal and highly respected by those who read and write about the pulp novel. All the Packer trademarks are here. I enjoyed it very much.
I'm in the last 100 pages of Back Bay by Willaim Martin and just started The Last Templar by Raymond Khoury. My third bookmark is still in The Deepest Part of the Woods by Ramsey Campbell, Also re-reading The Old Fox Deceived by Martha Grimes. I'm one of those who keeps serveral books going, too. I do get around to finishing all these reads. The last book I read was The Seventh Scroll by Willbur Smith.


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