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BREAKING DAWN, Stephenie Meyer. Closing in on the end of my second reading of the series. After this I hope I will feel satisfied enough to put in some intensive work.
I just finished Daniel Depps "Loser Town" & now I'm reading an ARC of Ken Bruen & Reed Farrell Coleman's new book "Tower" & Ace Atkins "Devils Garden" on Fatty Arbuckles murder rap. Rod Wiethop
Three books at the same time?
Lots of people do more than one book at a time - I'm not one of them. I'm doing good to concentrate on one at a time. Just finished The Second Death of Goodluck Tinubu by Michael Stanley. I enjoyed the book and reading about South Africa.
Alas, I don't get down to reading until bedtime and in twenty minutes I am o-u-t fir the night.
I'm returning to Michigan next weekend to start a new mystery. It should be a good one, as my wife gave me a brilliant idea for it. If I complete it and it is published it will be book #22.

Harley Sachs where you can read the short story "The Great Fortune Cookie Caper." Funny mystery.
I've just read something I'd be plugging as Best New Crime Fiction novel in this year's Neds - Storm Peak by John A Flanagan and then Bleeding Heart Square by Andrew Taylor. Now I have to find something to keep up the standard :)
Breaking and Entering, by Connie Fletcher. Oral histories of police women, circa 1995. It's a re-read for me, highly recommended.
I'm reading Dean Koontz's 'The Good Guy' - half way through it and I'm really enjoying it.
I'm also reading Inner City Blues by Paula L. Woods - nearly finished. This is also a good read.
I'm reading Fire & Ice by J. A. Jance and it good.
SITKA by Louis l'Amour -- since I'm still in Alaska mode, and I needed something that wouldn't hang onto my attention for days. In addition to the standard l'Amour mountain man hero, it ties into the circumstances of the Alaska Purchase.
I'm reading "Drood" bu Dan Simmons. Book is framed as a document written by Wilkie Collins, with his instructions that it be published many years hence. I'm only on page 159 of 771 pages, but so far, so good.
Right now I'm reading TRIGGER CITY by Sean Chercover. Nothing short of fantastic!


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