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I thought the book was great and Big City Bad Blood was too.
I'm reading Michael Connelly"s THE BRASS VERDICT. Since it is a 2008 release, I assume it was in contention for the Edgar. Hmm.
I'm reading A Plague of Secrets by John Lescroart. Good so far.
I was lucky enough to get an early copy of the latest Brock & Kolla from Barry Maitland - Dark Mirror so I've been reading that (fantastic), now I've turned my attention to the second Michael Stanley novel - A Deadly Trade.
Is this the same Michael Stanley that writes about Africa?? I just reviewed The Second Death of Goodluck Tinubu - I thought that was the second book or does it have a different title where you are?
Different title :)
I think A Deadly Trade might be the better title.
There's some details about the title machinations in this article:
It is an interesting article. Thanks for the link. I bought The Carrion Death quite sometime ago but didn't read it until I was offered the second book for review and then I got the first book read while waiting for the second book. I loved the second book and felt like I knew Kubu's family a lot better. I also agree with the article that readers are beginning to read more books about countries that have different traditions, etc.
BREAKUP, Dana Stabenow. I'm more than halfway through now, and I think I'm becoming an adrenaline addict. One astonishing event after another, with the craziness of the spring thaw, until their very unexpectedness is funny. Now Kate is walking into the house of a near-murderous family fight, and making herself at home.
I'm half way through Crais's "The Monkey's Raincoat." I just love that title...LOL Good reading everyone!


A book is like a garden carried in the pocket.
~~ Chinese Proverb
Kevin Wignall's first, PEOPLE DIE. The cool, detached style from the word go. He's coming over to Finland on Friday to promote the translation of WHO IS CONRAD HIRST? which is a masterpiece.


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