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Saw at Walmart that they are selling the Nook and another ereaders, so ebooks are finally coming into their own. These are exciting times, ujnless you are an independent bookstore owner.
I am putting aside another Lee Child novel, Killing Floor Jack Reacher #1, in disgust. Everything I hold dear in a novel, plot, character, and prose is so abused here that I marvel at how this novelist can be considered one of the best thriller writers. There will not be a third strike.
Don't remember that one, but I've probably read all of them. Thrillers are what thrillers are. They are not great novels. Some of Child's are bad, but most are very readable, and the protagonist is very attractive in a lone-wolf sort of way. Child is excellent at action scenes, by the way. His are among the books I consult for barroom brawls. :) The plots are often weak, but the pacing is very good.
He has that I must admit but...
Too bad - I bought one Lee Child to sample, and KILLING FLOOR was the one. Haven't read it yet, so I can't compare impressions, but now I'm less likely to get to it.
I'm compiling books to take with me to Mexico next week. So far I have SJ Rozan's ON THE LINE, Robert Crais's last Joe Pike, and Elmore Leonard's Djibouti or however you spell it. Think I might grab a Jack Reacher novel after reading that interview up today. Which one shoudl I start with?
I like ONE SHOT for it's superb beginning. But 61HOURS was good also. Very wintry.
Killing Floor Jack Reacher #1 sounds like up your ally, Jack.
I haven't had much luck lately in my selections. I read Ann Cleeves RAVEN BLACK and hated it. Very transparent and the detective somehow knew things that he couldn't possibly have known. Can't believe this book won an award and
that Cleeves has published a bunch of books.

Then I read Dennis Lehane's latest, MOONLIGHT MILE. I remember his Boston series fondly, but this addition is just sad. I read an interview when he published his last book, a pretentious effort at "serious" fiction. He seemed to be
a little embarrassed about his earlier work. Now he's gone back to that series and seems to have "phoned this one
in." The book is almost a caricature of what I thought was an enjoyable series.

I've retreated to a sure-fire favorite, Peter Robinson. BAD BOY, indeed.
I'm curious: how many of you use ebook readers? Which model and how do you like them? What is the optimum price for a download? It's handy to carry a Kindle in your pocket so you can sneak in a quick read while waiting fo a bus, etc. That gadget can hold over 2000 books in its memory and the battery life with electric ink is excellent.
I have reached the point after about 2 years where I find reading on my Kindle is the only way I read. Weighs less than a paperback and, unlike an iPad, very easy and comfortable to hold with one hand.
Devil May Care by Sebastian Faulks
Newest Bond novel though it seems to take place in the late 60's. It's very good from what I have read so far


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