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Raylan by Elmore Leonard.

Enjoy it a lot.

I really enjoyed that one too, David.

Just received my long awaited copy of THE PROMISE by Robert Crais.

I haven't started it yet--tonight--but with Elvis Cole, Joe Pike, Scott James & Maggie all in one novel, how can you go wrong?

Haven't read it yet, but if Maggie's in the book it's sure to be great!

Maggie's in it. I'm happy to say. The book was good, but I have to say I liked SUSPECT better.

Corpse in the Koryo, by James Church,about a police detective in North Korea.
Now that does sound interesting.
It was published in 2006, and I think it was the first of s series. Well written, it moves along at a good pace.

I looked them up, the author sounds like a guy with an interesting past as well.

James Church is the pseudonym of the author of five detective novels featuring a North Korean policeman, "Inspector O".

Church is identified on the back cover of his novels as "a former Western intelligence officer with decades of experience in Asia". He grew up in the San Fernando Valley in the United States, and was over sixty years old in 2009.

His "Inspector O" novels have been well-received, being noted by Asia specialists for offering "an unusually nuanced and detailed portrait" of North Korean society.

A Korea Society panel praised the first book in the series for its realism and its ability to convey "the suffocating atmosphere of a totalitarian state".

A panelist as well as The Independent's and the reviewers at the Washington Post compared the protagonist to Arkady Renko, the Soviet chief inspector in Martin Cruz Smith's Gorky Park, for providing "a vivid window into a mysterious country".



Thanks for the info.

An excellent thriller/crime novel that combines both contemporary speculative fiction with more futuristic sci-fi elements is William Gibson's The Peripheral which I have just finished. It manages to interweave a compelling caper narrative featuring private drone operators, big business profiteering and a social media performance artist with a much deeper exploration of the philosophical implications of societal dependence upon technology. Cracking book that made me want to go right back to the start to read it over again. In terms of crime comics, I am enjoying David Lapham's Murder Me Dead.

Reading Lawrence Block's THE GIRL WITH THE DEEP BLUE EYES.

Its very good, sexually explicit, which doesn't bother me, but might not to be some readers' taste.


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