Aside from Bryon's Great Big Blog Short Story Project III, who else has a new short that's just come out online or in print?

Both myself and Anthony Neil Smith appear in the latest issue of Thuglit, ominously named ... cue thunder ... Issue 13.

Anyone else have some BSP to share?

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I'm the featured author, with a long interview with me and have had What Every Guy Wants reprinted in the new issue from Mouth Full of Bullets. Plus, evilkev has a short story in this same issue, called Play To Win.
Play To Win
What Every Guy Wants
The Interview
Patrick that sucks! Do you have an agent working on it?
Aw, man. I'm sorry to hear that, Patrick. I hope you find another taker soon.
Man that sucks. Fingers crossed for something even better turning up.
oh, patrick. so sorry to hear your bad news. that's the kind of rug-pulling that made me the bitter hag i am today.
Bummers, Patrick. But you never know, this could lead to something else.
Pollyanna Jack
Oooooh. I'm so sorry! I hope it irons out soon. This business ain't for the faint o'heart.
*wince* Ouch. Hope it works out, Patrick.
I have a story today on Hardluck Stories-Femmes Fatales issue. It's called Quality Control.
Does non-fiction count? I can't take you to it because Mystery Scene magazine only has a couple of things available online, but I have an illustrated backstory piece in this new issue. It's pretty funny, and I'm told it sold some books. Some of you might consider this kind of promo. I know editor Kate Stine is looking for readable stuff.
As reported to me by some eagle-eyed readers, rumor has it that my interview with James Sallis appears in the current issue of Crimespree. But I haven't seen it.
I can bring you a copy? Patti


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