I wanted to remind everyone in the Houston area, or will be in the Houston area, or want to come to the Houston area, that on April 7, at 10:00 a.m. I will present my class, the 5 P’s of self-promotions to the Northwest Houston chapter of Romance Writers of America.

The class will be held at Hasta La Pasta, 6915 Cypresswood Dr., Spring, TX

I’ll cover ideas for inexpensive or free ways to get authors’ names out to the readers, press releases, ways of dealing with TV, radio, and newspaper, and book signings.

The 5 P’s stand for prior planning prevents poor performance. This actually is called the 6P’s but I removed one P before the poor. This class is designed for writers. Not published or unpublished. If you are published, I might just have some ideas to help you, or you haven’t considered. If you are not published but hope to be, or will be in the near future, this is an aspect of the writing business you need to be considering.

You are also welcome to stay for lunch. If you know anything at all about me, you will know that I will have copies of Code of Deceit, and you will have the first opportunity to get a copy of my new novel, Journey of the Spirit. You can be one of the first to see why I am so excited about this book.

This is not limited to just writers. There will be a bunch of writers there and I promise, not a one will mind if readers show up. I also promise you this, If a writer does mind that a reader shows up, I will throw that writer OUT..... :)

If you are planning on attending, I hope some time today or before the meeting Saturday, you look at my blog for today. It does have something to do with the class.
Here is the link to my blog. http://john-foxjohn.livejournal.com/

Journey of the Spirit, coming in April
More people will read this novel in 2007 than any other
View my video trailer at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIND-YwhtVk
View my blog at http://john-foxjohn.livejournal.com/

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