Most forums have a post that serves as an entry point for new members, a place for them to introduce themselves. At Crimespace, that post is The Bar.

As a way of starting it off, I'll introduce myself.

My name is Daniel and my favourite colour is black. Half Romanian, half Croatian, I was born and bred in Australia, the country I've spent most of my life in. Got a degree in Computer Science and by day I'm a programmer in the shady field of gaming. Yes, I program poker machines. This does not mean I carry around a Bat-utility belt and rush over to clubs when people don't get paid. It's an office job, plain and simple. I stare at computer screens all day.

By night, and during my lunch hour, I write. Mostly crime, but I'm not afraid to venture outside the genre if the story I want to tell goes that way. Even then I'd say my fiction straddles the border between crime and other genres. I've only been writing solidly for about the last three years, the first two of which were spent on a comedic P.I. novel set in Sydney. Like many writers, that novel was my journeyman piece, in that it taught me how to write a novel (which is not to say I've stopped learning). Also like many writers, I don't think I want it to ever see the light of day.

I've since moved on to a novel that if I had to describe in one sentence, would sound something like this: "An unwilling hitman becomes part of a crime syndicate that reaches back to turn-of-the-century Sydney." Part crime thriller, part historical dream sequence, with elements of the supernatural. I'm about two thirds of the way through the first draft and I'm getting a big kick out of writing something more serious.

A few short stories of mine are floating around the net and I have a list of those on my profile page. In the interest of brevity, I'll leave it at that.

Now. Who wants a drink?

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When it's not bloodred my favorite color is orange.


Ahem. Let's just say it changes frequently and uh, you'd rather not know.

If you get my drift, I'm either in the Witness Protection Program or in Purgatory, which is basically the same thing. I don't get out much. In other words, excuse the old cliche, I could tell you but then I'd have to murderize you (which I wouldn't mind one bit because I could sell the rights). Am I right? You're cute, you know. What are you doing after Last Call? My place is just around the corner. I'd like to have you for breakfast, baby.

With an ice cold Tequila Sunrise, al fresco .

by the river.

Delerieeeously, though. I have a lot of connections in very low places. So I come in to watch your back, keep the hardcore noirites real, be nice to the softboileds because any crime story is a good crime story IMHO. And I AM humble. Compassionate, too.

What. You gotta problem witdat? Meet me out back. I got a magic handcuff trick you're really gonna like. Just don't tell anyone about it. That would ruin the moment.
My name is Gumshoe Carl and my favorite color is chartreuse. I’m neither a gumshoe nor do I like the color chartreuse, but both sounded interesting at the time. Honestly, I want to be a gumshoe either in real life or in crime fiction.

I recently completed a PhD in nursing research, so yeah, I write! The freaking dissertation took me four years and thousands of brain cells to complete, so writing crime fiction seems like the logical next step (not really but play along—it’s my dream). I am an avid crime fiction reader and have been for the last 15 years. Since I aspire to be the next best find in crime fiction, I’m always searching for role models. I love reading new authors and dream of someday owning a book that becomes as valuable as A is for Alibi or Bookman’s Wake.

By day I’m a nurse because I like helping people with cancer. Yes the job can be sad sometimes, but that’s life and I turn to crime fiction as an outlet. I also spent 20 years in the military, so I’m writing what I know best. Picture this—a combat field hospital in the middle of Iraq, a night shift on a surgical ward where both Iraqi and American soldiers are being cared for. In the middle of the night, someone injects the Iraqi soldier with a medication which immediately stops his heart. Basically every nurse and doctor in the combat hospital could have been the murderer because they wonder where the justice is in caring for a war criminal that tried and possibly killed one of their own. It is up to Army Nurse First Lieutenant Alex Bakker to get to the bottom of the murder before more Iraqi soldiers are found dead in their hospital beds plus dig through the rubble of shell-shocked medical comrades fighting for a cause they may no longer believe in.

Well now the cover of the book is written, now I just need to write the book. But for now, can someone fix me a cuba libre and pass me an ARC of some unknown future Sue Grafton or Raymond Chandler? Cheers!!
Carl you are my favourite gumshoe. I hope you do write the book, in between teaching and nursing and walking the dogs. Tell you a secret - when I read the books with Ceepak in them? I think of you. You should audition for the role if they do a movie.

Bartender? Give the man a double and put it on my bill please.
I'm not sure if Chris Grabenstein would agree with the similarities, but thanks for the compliment(s). I've got to get away from this place! GC
Let me know when I can pre-order this, Carl!
and I will also....Carl I think your team is in place to help read the drafts at least
Oh a plan! Smart girl Patricia. Yes - me too please. I want to be a reader for the early drafts too. I can borrow a red marker from Sandra.
It's taken me all this time to venture into the bar. I'm Liz. I won't tell you my favorite color because it's a secret between me and various banks that ask for password hints. And who I am tends to be a real conversation stopper in bars: I'm a therapist who spent many years running alcoholism treatment programs. For the past few years I've been doing therapy online at I'm also a lifelong writer with two books of poetry and a professional book on gender and addictions published and my first mystery, DEATH WILL GET YOU SOBER, coming out in 2008 from St. Martin's. Speaking of reactions to what I do: last time I was on jury duty, I really didn't want to get on a case, since I'm self-employed, but rather than jump through hoops trying to avoid getting chosen, I just waited till they asked what I do for a living. I said, "I'm an online therapist and a mystery writer." They couldn't get me off the panel fast enough. ;)
That is so unfair! I got picked and I'm a lawyer!
HI, and a round for the house on me.

My name is Larry, and I just ventured in here, still unsure whether I should speak up, or sit quietly in my dim corner, nursing this black coffee. So many accomplished folks here! Ah, well, put me down as the foot-in-mouth type, and let me go on.

I've been writing, more off than on at times, for most of my adult life. First caught the bug in high school, when my English teacher used to read my papers to her other classes. But it was more than that, too; in putting words on paper, I somehow became more real than I peceived myself to be at the time. I've continued to write since, in between other things I've done: serving a a Baptist pastor for many years, then going back to the university at the advanced age of 44 to earn a physics degree. For the last 8 years I've been teaching physics and math at the high school level.

I wrote, but didn't submit for a long time. Then I wrote, and submitted ... occasionally. Having had a story accepted last year for an online ezine has given me enough confidence to get really serious about this writing business. Who knows, maybe one day I can report another success. In the meantime, let me shut up, and... Barkeep! another round for the house!
Hi Larry,
I always wonder if I am the only one who likes to observe when in these bars. I drink tea rather than coffee, and do enjoy the occasional cider but if you don't mind sharing the corner maybe I can watch the world from over here too? Mind you I might need duct tape to keep me from talking mindlessly.
Of course, pull up a chair. Watching is what I do best.


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