It's coming up to the end of June (damn that means end of financial year and all that rotten paperwork!) and I'm pinching an idea from one of my favourite online mystery discussion lists.

What were your favourite 10 books from the first half of the year - the ones you'd happily tout to all and sundry in the local pub. They don't have to be published in 2007, just what you read up until the end of June.

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Yikes I am wayyy behind in my crime reading. But I have an excuse, I have not been a hardboiled/noir/crime fan for all that long...and am making up the time as fast as I can. I have read Chandler, many years ago, and Hammett....and a few Spillanes here and there.....but then I went on a horror kick.....then a arcane knowledge/ancient mystery kick...and then adventure kick......and have found my way back to the mysteries etc again.

This year

Gregg Loomis has three books out....if you liked dan brown, you will love these.

Raymond Chandler -The Big Sleep
Dashiell Hammett- The Maltese Falcon ( I mean, it is one of the best ever right!)
M. Jakubowski (editor)--Pulp Fiction.....this anthology has plenty of greatness in it cover to cover...and loved every page.
John Sandford .....I read all of the Kidd novels....really enjoyed those. His prey Rules of Prey is one of my favorites of his.

I know not alot of crime in there, but I have read nearly one hundred books this year in plenty of differing areas....but always seem to find my way back. :)

Oh, I almost forgot....JA Konraths Jack Daniels series is pretty good if you want the lighter crime....i actually laughed out loud a few times.
I need to add another book. jusr finished The Cleaner by NZ author Paul Cleave. Has to be one of the best books I have read this year.


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