Publishers Weekly has started a regular feature on book covers ( and with all the recent attention on covers using the same stock photo, it got me thinking--what crime covers do you like? Which ones work for you, the reader?

It would be nice to attach the actual cover in your discussions. I'm not totally sure how to do that--if you're not sure either, perhaps someone more technologically adept can follow up your post with an actual image.

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I absolutely love your trade paperback original covers. A Japanese-Brazilian artist? Wonderful. Did your press provide you with posters? If so, I hope they are framed and decorating your living room.
Ah, thanks. Yes, I'm very proud of the Penguin covers. Posters? Do authors get posters? I have begged for copies of the covers and framed these. They decorate my study. (I have to remind myself from time to time that I have actually published.) The credit goes to Julius Ohta, though I make suggestions. The overall design is his. The new one (ISLAND OF EXILES) is particularly nice. I know I'm lucky.
Please post ISLAND OF EXILES cover here, if you can. Use the American flag icon on the right.

They print the covers in advance, so they should be able to send you some extras.
Thanks, but the flag emblem doesn't seem to work for a jpeg file image. I'm technically challenged. Sorry. How about putting up one of your covers? As I recall they are quite handsome.

My absolute favorite is the cover to my own Mood Swing: The Bipolar Murders, because I did the cover illustration myself. One of the benefits of print-on-demand publishing is that you have total control over the final product, including, in my case, the cover art. The response of readers I've met have been terrific - they always comment on the cover even before realizing I did it. You can see it on my Crimespace page or on my website.

Sorry for the blatant self-promotion, but I couldn't resist. I find the covers of most mysteries rather uninteresting and generic.


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