At the moment here, it's 92F but it was closer to 97F around mid-afternoon. We've got around 98F forecast for tomorrow. Not that this is all that unusual for this time of year. We'll probably have days in the upper 90s until the end of August, if things go as normal. All the extra rain we got earlier in the year has turned the area into a full-time sauna. No need for an expensive gym membership. Just come sit on our front porch if you want to sweat that extra bit of weight off.

So what's it like where you are?

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104 in my corner of North Carolina. My friend Stacey says it hit 111 in Raleigh. This is before the heat index. Theoretically a cold front is moving through that'll take it down to "only" 91 for the weekend.
Ugh. Sounds like all of you are having fun. I've been watching the National Weather Service site for the past week as their excessive heat warning in the next state over slowly curled our way. We're up in the Ozark foothills, so we're just in the heat warning area for the moment, but I'm not looking forward to that excessive warning area reaching us. We've got no air conditioning, and would have to rewire the house to put that in, so we've got fans running just about everywhere you can imagine.
LOL! Fraid I'll have to settle for a cold shower, which will feel really good right now. It's really not so much the heat as the humidity. You sweat like crazy, but it doesn't go anywhere. I'm just glad it didn't get this hot when it was actually doing all the raining earlier this year. It would have been unbearable.
Forget the cabana, but we've got the cocktails! Pepper, I sincerely think you should consider coming to Bouchercon07 EARLY. We're getting the most incredibly gorgeous 70's crisp brilliant humidity-free sunshine here in Alaska! I'm sitting in a campground next to the Trapper Creek Lodge, across the river from Talkeetna, for the weekend. It's about 160 miles North of Anchorage and with awesome views of Mt. McKinley. Anyway, we do feel disconnected from those heat waves. We had a miserably wet July and it felt like the clouds and rain were never going to go away, but now that Bouchercon is almost here... the weather's become a photographer's dream!!! So come on up!!! Alaska Airlines is having some great specials this week (check their website). I am very glad not to be in North Carolina with those temps! And didja know that when it does feel hot here, you can always just head for the glaciers or stand in the creeks/Russian River etc. in your waders, and even jump in some of the local lakes (but might want to wear a drysuit) and it's better than a cold shower! Still have that hot sun on your head! As a Maine native, I can tell you this is like those absolutely wonderful days we Downeastuh's call "Weathuh Breeduhs" - but it will be like this tomorrow, and next week, too. That's the difference. It's why Alaskans don't sleep much in the summertime. So throw off the humidity, write the books on the flight up, and come on up to cool off!
Wish I could come. You'd see me running around everywhere with my camera taking pictures. It sounds wonderful.
It's currently 66 degrees with a light breeze and blue skies in Seattle, on the way up to a projected high of 72.

I'm sorry. I never get to gloat about the weather. I have to seize these chances as they come along.
LOL! Gloat on. I'll just sit here sweating and be jealous.


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