Hi, I need some advice about a submission to AHMM. I've read a few issues, but I'm not an expert them. I have a story I'd like to submit that contains a moderate amount of street language (a couple/three words per page). Do you think this would affect my chances of selling it?

Any suggestions of other markets, where a moderate amount of gritty language is not an issue?

Thanks for any advice you're winning to share.

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AHMM is probably stricter on language than others.  They seem to go with cozy readers and fans of the classic mystery stories.  It so happens, I have little street language because I write Japanese historicals.  You might have a better chance with EQMM.  Or, if you're open to toning it down a little, you might submit with that offer.


Except for the F-bomb I wouldn't worry about it.  Street people don't talk like angels.

Be aware that with AHMM you'll grow old waiting for a response.  I'm still waiting for a decision on one I submitted 7 months ago.  Better off with EQMM--about 4 weeks lately.



Thanks for your advice I.J. and Jed, much appreciated!


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