As a huge follower of Dennis Lehane's work - I am excited about his upcoming UK visit.

Today's Telegraph has a big feature interview, but is not available online, but it really has some great points from Lehane on writing - so I've extracted the salient points here -



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Dennis Lehane says: "writing a first draft which I hated and totally missed the mark. I had to rip out the entire centre of the book and re-do it. That took another year and lots more fear and self-doubt."

It's amazing/encouraging/assuring when you read that even our greatest/most applauded writers go through the same gut-wrenching angst as we mere beginners. This is definitely not a journey for the faint of heart, but as Lehane continues: "Welcome to the job you know. That’s what they pay you for." Amen.

Thanks for posting this, Ali. Great stuff.
I went to his Writers in Paradise conference at Eckerd last year in St. Petersburg. He SWORE he was done with Patrick and Angie. I love it! I'm a big fan, too.
Thanks for posting this, Ali. I've been in the tank for Lehane ever since I read A Drink Before the War. I've read everything since then, except for The Given Day, which is on the TBR pile as we speak.

I'm also delighted to hear Patrick and Angie are coming back. It will be like seeing old friends again.
The full text is now online -

Well worth a read

Thanks, Ali, well worth reading. It's a shame, though, the interviewer didn't know David Chase was the creator of The Sopranos, not The Wire.


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